Promote your video game streaming channel & videos here

I'm making my Twitch debut on Tuesday 10th August @ 19:30 GMT.

Feel free to tune in and watch me fumble my way through - I've no idea what I'm doing! ?

I'll most likely be playing either Dead Space (PS3) or Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS1).
Anyone miss the old school style games like Battlezone? There is a game on Steam that is trying to bring the feel of that game into a new Tactical Shooter on UE4.

Got a video game streaming channel? Or a video? Want to share it with the community? This is the thread for that!

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You can embed your video entirely into the post by simply copy and paste of the URL of your streaming channel/video.

Users may bump the thread once per day or as and when a new video is uploaded.

If you want to learn about the rules and standards of our community, the General Guide is probably your best resource. We strongly recommend familiarising yourself with this document.
My channel is lovecraftianobserver. I play from software games JRPs multipler games. Can't wait to see ya'll in my streams.

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