I quit my job and now I'm making my living playing online poker


New member
Mar 5, 2022
When the lock downs begun I was working in sales. You know the deal - minimal wage plus a commission, but since there were so few customers I was not making enough money to cover my basic expenses.

My anxiety went trough the roof and at one point I thought, I would have to move back with my parents. Not that it's the worst thing on the planet, but if you are a guy in his 20s living mommy and daddy is not a dream situation.

At that time all I did is complained about my situation, which didn't exactly make me very popular with other people.

However a friend took pity on me and invited me to join a team play poker chat room he was in. I told him that I don't even know how to play poker, but he convinced me to give it a try. Team play is when couple of people sit on a table and share with each other what cards they have, and they play as a team against the rest of the players on the table.

I was doing pretty well, but the summer came and many of the restrictions got lifted and my regular job picked up. Standing on your feet 8 hours a day trying to sell a person something that they probably don't want and most likely don't need is a joyless existence. On top of that I started making more money from the poker than my ""real"" job. So last October I decided to quit and just play poker.

To be honest I've never been more happy in my life. I feel free and in control for the first time. I just wanted to vent a little and share my experience(maybe brag a little).

If you have any questions leave them in the comments bellow and I will try to answer to the best of my abilities.
I dont get it. What exactly is team play and why are you winning?
Ok, maybe I should have gone in more detail. You are in a chat room with dozens of people, you get in contact with 2 other people from the chat and you sit on a poker table together. You share what cards you have and which hand is the best and how to play it. Between the 3 of you, you have a knowledge of 11 cards (2 cards in each hand plus the 5 cards on the table) and the rest of the players only know 7(their 2 plus the 5 on the table).
This gives you the ability to strategize. For example Player A has 2 spades in his hand and there are 2 spades on the table he is 1 spade away from flush. If his partners dont have any spades in their hands this means that there is a very high percent chance that he will get the flush because there are more spades left in the deck. The opposite is also valid, if his partners each have a spade then there are less spades in the deck, and he will most likely not get a flush. This logic applies to every hand.
Also because you have 3 hands you get to chose who's hand is the best and play with it while the others fold.

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