How do you cope with game addiction?

Actually, I did stop going out except for groceries haha. I recently bought a house in the rural area and I have my own garden for fresh air. :D
Yes you have a point there, its a matter of time management. People who has a goal will just use games as a way to chill and entertain themselves. I mean, despite being a gamer you should have a goal and be wise enough what to prioritize. It's a different story when your just slacking all the time playing and not doing anything to achieve a sense of purpose.
People who don't play usually has the most ridiculous and unbelievable perception of gamers. I play games but I don't isolate myself like a hermit. There is a line between having your own world and just having your time for recreation.
I've seen a whole lot of people getting addicted to playing games. It seems like a future put on hold or ruin because they don't know how to handle addiction. Make no mistake, there where professional gamers who already earned big money because of video games. In general, only a few are earning and most are just wasting opportunities.
Gaming should be for fun and recreation but sometimes we forget it's purpose. Games are made in a such a way that players are hook into the game so that they would want to play more. Game makers tend to add spices and challenging obstacles so that we would not get bored of it. This is where the addiction comes in, gamers would crave for an endless achievement created by the game makers. That is why we must be responsible in gaming and we must prioritize what is really important in our life and think gaming as a recreational hobby.
That’s quite true Charmania. It’s important to remember that the whole essence of developing video games is to make money. If video games are not challenging but possible to win or make scores, who would be interested? How else would the developers make their money? The developers play these games ahead of their release and that’s why they will even encourage the players to make/develop their own. This way the gamer penetrates the ‘jungle’ inch by inch until before they know it, its way too late. That’s why extreme caution is important.
It s really a big problem for young kids now the addiction in gaming because we are now in the modern age of technology where every people have their own gadget to play some games. I guess that it is our main responsibility to set a limit on our selves while playing some games so that that we will not suffer in the end since it will be in our own hands on how to lessen or avoid addiction in gaming activities, since all that is too much is bad for us and for the society as well.
Some of the documented physical signs are, fatigue after gaming, extreme headache, straining of the eyes, poor personal hygiene as well as emotional surges of getting irritated when not able to play, preoccupation and yearning for the next online game, isolation to get more time to play and the like.
I think one of the tell tale signs that you are slowly getting addicted to gaming is when your sleeping habits has changed. Most likely, you'll be up at the wee hours of the night and for some, they only have a few hours of sleep. Not eating on time is also something most gamers do which may lead to gastric problems like ulcer.
I agree with you. It's just a matter of knowing your priorities. If your main goal is to be successful in life then you wouldn't let anything get in the way to achieve it. But, of course, there are moments we need to blow off some steam and wants to relax. That's where our hobbies get in.
I am sure that a gamer has dreams on how to become someone important in life but a gamer must understand that he/she cannot do so from the front of its PC, it must socialize get a job and more than anything learn a lot.
Yes there were some attacks in the europe that were planned through video games messengers and the discord communities. They used to talk in haiku and the other poetry. So it can be pretty scary considering we think they are being good people. And in reality that does not seem to be the case from what I have seen.
Haiku? I got to say, they really are getting creative and more discrete.
Parents should be aware of their children's online interactions, and of course games as a main form , kids may believe that the game is real and they may even try to imitate what they see or fall victimes for the some bad people there . Also i think that the blame falls on adults who ignore their lives and responsabilities and get carried away by games or any other form of entertainment . On the other hand there is people who use hoobies- gaming included- as a way to escape reality or as a way to forget about their problems and their poor mental health so they end up falling in "the games addiction trap" and they may even end up hurting themselves while what they really need was help .
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I do that by stop playing the game when i notice that i really like it.Lately i started spending a good amount of time playing, shutting down the computer, try to go do something else such as enjoying a hobby or trying to do some house chorses, listning to music or spending time with family and friends are great ways to cope with that .I find games addiction quite tricky since playing a nice game is always so much fun.. hours may go by without me paying attention , i get really drown in the fun and excitement so lately i started making a priority list and also i make a time for playing games and try to stop when my alarm rings.
I just finish the game immediately so that I'll not get too addicted to it. The reason why I play anyway is that to see the ending of the game and also to entertain myself. And to cope up with addiction, ending the game fast would be the thing that I'll do.
When you can't sleep thinking about the game, because you're too excited to play it again tomorrow. When you are not on time to eat breakfast, punch and dinner. And when you forget or skip much more important things just to play the game you're being addicted to.
I am addicted to computer games wayback when I am still studying, I tend to play a lot of time without even eating anything, from waking up and going to bed. I will only eat whenever I think that I need it. I was having a hard time before on how I could actually quit until something happened. I developed some heart disease and that was the time that I actually stop what I used to do on gaming. I start to live healthy and lessen the use of computer. Before it happened to you, you better check what your enjoying if it could really help you in the future.
I think, we all should go out once in a while. It's good to meet up with friends and have a connection with the outside world. I'm not judging people who become anti-social. But, at least, have a touch of reality once in a while.
Alone but not lonely. Some people do prefer being alone and that's normal. Going out once in awhile is something that they prefer doing, some don't even go out at all maybe because of issues and that's fine as well. To each their own, that includes socializing.
For me, it's when you always think of the game every minute, every second. Even when you are at work or even studying. I have been there, and it made me lose my focus, it's not good. Thus, I decided to get rid of the game to save myself. Maybe, I'll try playing it again on summer.
That's a great point. I hope that all teenagers who are addicted to gaming know how to manage their time. I know some students who play but also study hard. It's not bad to use games as an escape from tiring studies, but, you must always remember to prioritize your main goals than your short term goals.

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