HBO's The Last of Us TV adaptation review thread

I have so far viewed every episode as they hit NOW, in the UK. But come on. Why couldn't Joel and Ellie meet Bill like what transpired in the game? :P

Otherwise, yes. What a compelling way to spend my Monday mornings. :)
I have so far viewed every episode as they hit NOW, in the UK. But come on. Why couldn't Joel and Ellie meet Bill like what transpired in the game? :p

Otherwise, yes. What a compelling way to spend my Monday mornings. :)
I believe that they are trying not to make the TV show exactly the same way with the video game's plot.

I personally wouldn't like that either. There should be some differences just like they did in House of The Dragon and the book Fire & Blood.
I have not played the game and I have not watched a single episode of the TV show. However, ever since the TV show started making headlines, I have been taking an interest in the game as well as the TV show. I have watched the trailer and the behind-the-scenes stories and I am really interested in this franchise.
I had a laugh with someone on NeoGAF yesterday. I seen a soldier on The Last of Us HBO adaptation, who looked and sounded like Tommy, despite being a different character. Then the user said it was his actor who is playing the part.

Oh? Fancy that. ?

So far, it's a really great series. To be honest, I never went back to other shows I used to enjoy watching, such as Fear the Walking Dead. The thing with long breaks is that you forget stuff, or they bring in way too many new characters. It became way too convoluted.

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