News Dreamscaper story explained – A dreamy action roguelike


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May 13, 2021
Dreamscaper is an action roguelike game that combines fighting with Hades with relationship building in Persona 5, but not on the same level.


Dreamscaper is a Roguelike Action RPG developed by Afterburner Studios and published by Freedom Games and Maple Whispering Limited.

The game has addictive and challenging game cycles related to relationship mechanics and upgrade purchases combined in one package which is not fully gelled but works individually.


Dreamscaper story explained
The story of Dreamscaper follows a woman named Cassidy who recently moved to Redhaven.

Every night when she sleeps, Cassidy wakes up in a dream world full of monsters.

Here players can uncover Cassidy’s memories and learn more about her past.

Once she wakes up, she can explore the city and meet new people, and players can help build her future relationships.

As the player digs deeper into Cassidy’s dreams, she will learn the source of her fear and why she has nightmares in the form of a dungeon.

Dreamscaper consists of two parts: exploring the dream world and living in Redhaven.

The dream world is divided into levels consisting of interconnected rooms.

Cassidy must defeat all the enemies in one room before she can go to the next.

There are also special rooms that don’t contain enemies, which instead contain a shop, upgrade station, puzzle room, and treasure room.

To advance to the next level, Cassidy must defeat the boss on the ground.

After the boss is defeated for the first time, it can be passed in the next round.


Dreamscaper’s gameplay is similar to Hades, with Cassidy collecting more and more bonuses and weapons to destroy enemies.

It also has access to block, dodge, and parry, which can also be upgrade version.

Dreamscaper has fast-paced gameplay that values skill and timing, along with the desire to change player tactics halfway to getting the most out of new items.

As with most procedurally generated roguelikes, there’s an element of luck to every run, and a good selection of items and bonuses can make things easier.

Dreamscaper becomes more challenging with each floor and players have the opportunity to increase the difficulty before each run in exchange for better rewards.

After losing her way, Cassidy wakes up again in the real world.

Here players can spend various currencies earned in the dream world to buy new items that appear during the run, constant upgrades for Cassidy, and new room types for each level.

It’s gradual unlocking of progressions that makes Dreamscaper so much fun as Cassidy slowly gets stronger with each run. It also has more options when it comes to attack.

This means that players are constantly tipping the odds in their favor while at the same time never being guaranteed success.


Dreamscaper story explained
According to some dreamscaper reviews, where Dreamscaper stumbles is the story and the characters.

There are people in Redhaven who can interact with Cassidy in a similar way to the Confidants from Persona 5, and spending time with them will transport lovers into a dream world.

The problem is that all the residents of Redhaven are boring people with normal lives and problems.

In many ways, this applies to Dreamscaper Cassidy herself, as her real-life situations are in stark contrast to the fast-paced and nightmarish enemies that appear in the dream world.

The contrast doesn’t work as well as it should, making Redhaven a lot of a deal with an overly verbose NPC.


Dreamscaper’s graphics and soundtrack are also mixed.

The boss design is good, but the common enemy leaves a lot to be desire. This shows a surprising lack of imagination to live out a nightmare incarnation.

The rooms themselves are a mix of beautiful and gruesome views and dull streets and exteriors.

The soundtrack is also inconsistent in Dreamscaper, as some songs wouldn’t be bad in a ten-hour lo-fi mix for YouTube cafes, which doesn’t match the tense battles that take place on screen.


Dreamscaper is a game of contrasts and not all elements have connections.

It combines the incredible game cycles of Hades and Persona 5 but wraps it in a life pack that doesn’t suit them.

Apart from the weak characters and story, Dreamscaper is a great roguelike. It’s still worth checking out for fans of the genre.

Dreamscaper is now available for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.

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