Common Causes of Lag in Video Games and How To Fix It


In gaming culture, lag is a common occurrence that many gamers suffer. Knowing the causes of lag and how to fix them will ensure a better gaming session.

Online gaming is a wonderful activity and provides players with hours of fun, but with this experience, you may encounter occasional lag. Dropping frames and sudden glitches will detract from your gaming experience, but knowing the cause and solution to the lag will make your online session easier. Learn about the common causes of lag in games and how to fix them to help you get back to your scheduled gaming.

Programs Running in the Background​

Consoles and gaming PCs have the ability to run numerous programs in the background while you game. When numerous programs run, the CPU will perform tasks and access more information for each program. This split focus will cause latency in certain programs, especially your game.

Limit activity in the background by closing out apps and programs after using them. The CPU will focus more on processing data for the game and reduce lag caused by slower processing. Downloads and uploads also cause lag in games while the information processes in the background.

Larger downloads with gigabytes of information will cause lag and longer load times in online games because there are large quantities of information to process. Pausing these loading processes will help you return to gaming with few drops in frames.

Poor Internet Connection​

Issues with your internet connection are one of the most common causes of lag in video games, and there are numerous reasons why the connection may suffer. Wireless networks typically have the most problems in a network. Since the internet signal travels through the air in waves, thick walls may disrupt the connection if the router or modem is in another room.

The weather may distort the signal when there is a storm or harsh winds, making the waves’ path to the device unstable. An unstable connection or weak signal will cause lag as the data needed to produce an image isn’t consistent.

A wired connection is a great solution to this issue. Wired connections provide a direct path to the connected device and won’t suffer from as much interference. For the best-wired connection, there are major benefits to using fiber optic cables due to their fast data transfer and nil interference. Connect your gaming PC or console to your internet source with a wired connection for the best results and less lag.

Worn Out GPU​

The graphics of a video game are possible thanks to the Graphic Processing Unit (GPU). If the GPU is old or overworked, the graphics will begin to drop in frames and look grainy. Keep your hardware up to date and in good condition to avoid lag. The GPU is a valuable part of any console or computer. By ensuring you don’t use it for long periods and you replace it every few years, you’ll see better images on the screen at a consistent frame rate.

Lag is a nuisance that many gamers know, and reducing the lag you experience will cause fewer headaches when gaming. Remember these causes and their solutions the next time you experience lag, and fix the problem so your time online isn’t hindered.

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