What video games are based on board games?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2019
Does anyone play video game versions of stuff like Monopoly, Life!, Trivial Pursuit, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune? Myself, I've not gotten into it - but I'd like to play Monopoly. Well, I did play it once but can't remember much.
I don't like those types of games, but I did enjoy Defiance for the PC which was based on the short lived TV show.
I use to play Monopoly a lot but these days I don't sadly since it is a very time consuming game.
Not really. I have played a few mobile games that have been based on TV shows like Game of Thrones and It's Always Sunny. There is a Breaking Bad game coming out soon as well which I'm looking forward to
I remember monopoly and snake and ladders TV version. And those were good fun family show at that time. Now a days that has been replaced and things have changed a lot. I think monopoly is even on android these days.
I think there needs to be a game and both TV show series for say fruit ninja type games. it was fun playing those games and it's definitely even more fun to try with other fruits and vegetables in real life.
If anyone have seen the takeshi's castle. They can see a lot of app game ideas in it. I have noticed gaming show like that are open for idea exploration which can be turned into mobile games.
Does anyone have anyone they like? Is there anything coming out in 2020 you like? Anything worth mentioning good/bad/in-between? Myself, I haven't played any, but I've always wanted to try Monopoly! cause I love that game - and also Jeopardy!.

Anyway, I didn't mention Chess - but of course, I have always loved that game and it's computer versions.

O.K., who has tried Life or it's computer/video console versions? I loved the physical one back in the day - but I've forgotten everything about it.

I haven't tried Sorry!, Risk and some other popular ones. Who has tried any version of them?
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I haven't touched board games in a good while, I do miss Sorry! Risk, Monopoly and water works.
I know many board which turned into the game and didn't make it much. I know some on android platform too that didn't made it to much gameplay.

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