Nintendo Switch 2 will be unveiled in 2024


New member
Jan 11, 2023
Before you say anything: yes, I know trying to predict Nintendo is madness. I’m not going to predict them as such though, just try and work when exactly they’re planning the Switch 2. Interestingly, the first time I heard about the theory of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom being the last big game for the current console was in a Reader’s Feature. Hats off to reader Carbona, as I think they’ve nailed it, since I’m now seeing rumours from trusted sources that that’s exactly what’s going on.

I disagree with the notion that 2024 is the reveal. 2023 is gonna be the reveal, then the release is gonna be about 3 to 6 months later. Mostly because I don't think Nintendo is gonna try to deviate from the Nintendo Switch business model. Steam Deck is giving them a run for their money. Only an idiot would release it in 2024 or 25. I'm sorry, Nintendo. If that's your plan, and you want to release late...? You deserve a Wii U situation all over again. Learned nothing.

To be fair, I'll give them credit: Switch Pro has been canceled, and I think they'll just come out with a Switch 2 - whatever its gonna be called.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is rumored to have tapped Nintendo Switch to the full extent of the console.
I think Nintendo will release a new console even later because its sales are still very good for Switch and games. I agree that Steam Deck is a good option for portable gaming, but can it ensure good performances for future pc games although at a lower resolution?
For some reason i think theres still quite a bit of life left in the current switch console, Im guessing a reveal of a switch 2 in about september 2023 releasing between feb-march 2024
I have to agree that there is plenty of life left in the current Switch, but I do understand Nintendo's desire to strike while the iron is hot. They made that mistake with the Wii U, leaving it a bit too late in the Wii's lifecycle, not differentiating it enough from the Wii, and getting no third party support. If they want to keep the Switch's popularity alive, going for the Switch 2 and capitalizing on the market while it's here is a great plan. I also agree that I see it revealing more around the end of 2023 and launching in 2024, but if it does end up being a 2024 reveal with a 2025 launch, that's not a bad thing, either, as the Switch is doing very well!
It's absolutely amazing that some people think that Nintendo Switch has some "life" left on it. That means you guys will just take whatever Nintendo gives you, and never go beyond. This is why Nintendo consoles don't "compete" with PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Regardless of the sales numbers.

You guys have a 7 year old, rusted chip inside of that Nintendo Switch. It's what is restricting a lot of developers on porting games to Nintendo Switch.

God. It's just so baffling.

Why do you guys think there are cloud versions of games on the Nintendo Switch? It's not because of the cartridges, it's because the actual game(s) themselves are just too big for the actual ports.

Kingdom Hearts trilogy should have been in 2 or 3 cartridges, they're not big games, but Square is the lazy one in this part, but Resident Evil games? Those games are bigger. There are other examples that I can't think off the top of my head, but I'll leave you with one more point:

Tears of the Kingdom is $70. For 16GB, and probably gonna be using the 32GB cartridge to hold the game.
It is difficult to predict when exactly Nintendo plans to release the next version of the Switch console, since the company has not yet made any official statements about it. However, there are rumors and speculations around this topic.

As for the theory that Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom will be the last big game for the current console, it's important to note that this is just a rumor and has not been confirmed by Nintendo. However, it is not uncommon for companies to release big games towards the end of the console's lifespan in order to maintain sales and keep consumers interested. And while Nintendo is about to release a new product, I went to the retro game store and bought myself an "older" console).
It is difficult to predict when exactly Nintendo plans to release the next version of the Switch console, since the company has not yet made any official statements about it. However, there are rumors and speculations around this topic.

As for the theory that Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom will be the last big game for the current console, it's important to note that this is just a rumor and has not been confirmed by Nintendo. However, it is not uncommon for companies to release big games towards the end of the console's lifespan in order to maintain sales and keep consumers interested. And while Nintendo is about to release a new product, I went to the retro game store and bought myself an "older" console).
Yes, this is true, but it's based on history; Twilight Princess was sandwiched between the final days of GameCube, and was a launch title or launch window title (I forget which), and Breath of the Wild was sandwiched between the final days of Wii U, and WAS a launch window title for Nintendo Switch.

That's where the idea came from. It's usually the final game, before the console comes out. And this "big game" is usually first party. But third parties do bring big hitters, too. Rumor is, the rest of THIS year is gonna be filled with GameCube ports, like the Metroid Prime Remastered release we just had.

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