Reviews Monster Hunter Rise review thread


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2020

Metacritic (87)
OpenCritic (87)

Eurogamer (essential):
It's all enough to make me believe that this really might be the Monster Hunter for all, and as much as World pushed the series into the mainstream it's Rise that could yet propel it to be a phenomenon - and at the very least it'll earn the series some new fans along the way. If you've been put off by the challenge, the investment or even the action, Rise does its very best to smooth the path and open up Monster Hunter's charms to all. If you're already smitten with the series like I am? Well, Monster Hunter Rise might well be as good as video games can get.

Polygon (no score):
Monster Hunter: World was a game I would recommend to friends, with some caveats. But Rise’s gameplay variety and mobility — all fueled by that little Wirebug — make it a must-try game for Monster Hunter skeptics and hardcore fans alike.

Ars Technica (approved):
I don't always return to games I've reviewed; I play them enough for the sake of writing an article, then move on. Duty calls. But Monster Hunter Rise hits me differently. I like how its structure can scale for as much or as little combat as I want, with however many friends I want, and I love how its updated move suite has already fueled some of my loudest "#$&@ yes!" combat-success moments in the past few years. If you're a Switch owner hungry for a game that lets you connect with friends for epic battles, I'm confident that you won't find a better option on Nintendo's home-portable hybrid console.

Wired (no score):
I’m incredibly impressed by how Capcom was able to adapt the RE Engine for Monster Hunter Rise—it was used for both the Resident Evil 2 remake and Devil May Cry 5, which are two games from completely different genres. Rise looks great, runs well, and its performance is fantastic. Anyone who enjoyed Monster Hunter: World will undoubtedly also enjoy Monster Hunter Rise. While Rise feels smaller in scope compared to World, that’s what makes it perfect for the Switch.

Player 2 (A-):
While not the gigantic leap that World was a couple of years prior, Monster Hunter Rise, is a refined, sleek title that is suitable for new and old fans alike.

Vooks (5/5):
Monster Hunter Rise is, put simply, the very best Monster Hunter game to date. Everything it does, it does well, and everything it doesn't do is just around the corner. It's a beautiful, enjoyable, exciting game, taking all the best parts of World and combining it with all the best parts of classic Monster Hunter, then adding a swathe of new features, monsters, play-styles, and more. It's a sharp incline for the series, a rise to the top if you'll forgive the pun, and it's likely to entertain and captivate for weeks, months, and years on end. If you only ever play one Monster Hunter game in your life, make it this one.

IGN Japan (10/10, review in Japanese):
While the essential component of repeatedly hunting monsters remains the same, the action elements have been refined with the introduction of the Wirebug and Switch Skill systems, and even monsters from previous games offer a fresh hunting challenge. The new Rampage mode, where the player must battle multiple large monsters at once, offers a stunning balance of difficulty and variety.

Switch Player (5/5):
Monster Hunter Rise is a success built on years of gradual improvements, but it also takes some giant Wirebug leaps forward to deliver an unforgettable and endlessly thrilling adventure. This is a new contender for the best game on Switch.

The Enemy (5/5, review in Portuguese, video):
Despite having to carry the heavy burden of being the follow-up to Capcom's biggest-selling game ever, Monster Hunter Rise manages to expand on the foundation built by World, focusing on the series' core strengths while revolutionizing the action with a never-before-seen level of mobility.

WellPlayed (9.5/10):
Monster Hunter Rise shows a tremendous amount of progress in terms of game design and accessibility, even after the great strides that Monster Hunter World made in those fields, and continues to improve upon itself with interesting ideas like the new monsters and the Wirebug – this game is a must buy.

Hobby Consolas (95/100, review in Spanish):
Monster Hunter Rise is a step forward. In the absence of more content in terms of monsters (the promise of more additions allows us to be optimistic), all its new features make its gameplay the most enjoyable so far. Alone or accompanied, veteran or novice, Rise convinces in all its facets. (9.5/10, review in Italian):
By carefully mixing the most successful features of Monster Hunter: World, the "classic" structure of the old episodes, as well as a tasty roundup of novelties and sensational improvements to the quality of life, such as the Canyne and the wire insects, the Tsujimoto team he managed to synthesize an almost perfect play formula.

Vandal (9.2/10, review in Spanish, video):
Capcom does it yet again and elevates its franchise above and beyond. A fantastic new entry in a series that keeps delivering new monsters for old and new hunters.

The Games Machine (9.2/10, review in Italian):
Monster Hunter Rise marks the beginning of a new era for the series' pocket adventures, finally free from the antiquated mechanics that the previous chapter, Generations Ultimate, brought with it.

GameSpot (9/10, review-in-progress, video):
Going toe-to-toe with these intimidating beasts is the unmistakable core of the Monster Hunter experience, and Rise still feels like a distinctly Monster Hunter game, even if it's more of a fully-fledged action title than any other entry in the series. This renewed focus doesn't diminish its layered RPG mechanics, nor does it dumb down on any single aspect of the hunt. Certain changes make Rise a more approachable game for newcomers, but you also have the freedom to tailor the experience to your liking. The moment-to-moment combat is as impeccable as it's ever been and puts Rise on a pedestal as one of the feathers in the Nintendo Switch's cap.

Easy Allies (9/10, video):
Even with a few complaints, Monster Hunter Rise is an excellent addition to a series that carries high expectations. Rather than just follow what’s been successful in the past, Rise goes out of its way to experiment with bold new ideas that make it a more captivating game, whether it's your first Monster Hunter or you've cooked thousands of well-done steaks before. The modest power of the Switch does little to diminish the thrill of the hunt, considering how great the game looks and runs. Without a doubt, Rise isn't just a worthwhile Monster Hunter entry, but an essential game for anyone who owns Nintendo's hybrid console.

Nintendo Life (9/10, video):
New mechanics, monsters and a gorgeous setting make Monster Hunter Rise a new high-water mark for the franchise. The Wirebug, Switch Skills, Palamute and carefully thought-out monsters shake things up enough to make the game feel fresh for hunters who have previously spent thousands of hours with the series, and while the package could be slightly intimidating for newcomers, it's arguably the ideal place to get started if you're serious about getting into the franchise. And, with a peerless four-player multiplayer experience, the new Rampage quests are a blast. After spending some serious time with the game, it’s very easy to say that Monster Hunter Rise is one of the strongest entries into the franchise to date, and another stone-cold classic for the Nintendo Switch.

Metro GameCentral (9/10):
A fantastic tour de force for the Switch and arguably the best Monster Hunter game ever, with a huge range of features and monsters, both new and old, and great co-op gameplay.

The Washington Post (9/10):
This year is looking pretty dry for big title releases as the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, and huge titles are seeing delays. The Nintendo Switch in particular has had a bit of a dry spell, but “Rise” comes in like a kaiju out of the tide. This is probably the best “Monster Hunter” game to date, and an easy, early contender for 2021′s best game.

My Nintendo News (9/10):
With renewed accessibility for newcomers and superb new features for seasoned hunters to get to grips with, Monster Hunter Rise is an enjoyable action RPG that refines many of World’s most successful mechanics. Its impressive scale on screen, combined with its sheer depth in gameplay, makes for a great portable and challenging title. Though not without its flaws, Monster Hunter Rise certainly has the potential to reach a new generation of hunters on the Switch, alongside PC players with its expected arrival on Windows systems next year. Perhaps the question is not whether you will rise to the challenge, but when? And remember, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Press Start (9/10):
Monster Hunter Rise is nothing short of brilliant. It builds off of the solid foundations of World and Iceborne in ways that feel meaningful and add more depth to an already staggeringly deep gameplay loop and progression system. Despite a few minor shortcomings, Rise is another rip-roaring success for both CAPCOM and Monster Hunter as a franchise, that demands the attention of fans and anyone interested by its ever-lasting appeal.

Fextralife (9/10, video):
Monster Hunter Rise is an excellent entry into the series that enhances RPG and combat mechanics while also keeping the game accessible to newcomers. A fun, addictive and satisfying experience for the old school and uninitiated alike, MHR will likely be the best game out on Switch all year.

Shacknews (9/10):
Monster Hunter Rise was beyond anything I expected. The tried and true grind of Monster Hunter's giant beast battles is alive and performing exceedingly well for the Switch’s hardware. Its formula is also thoughtfully augmented with Palamutes, Wirebugs, and Wyvern Riding, all of which I’d love to see stay in the series after this game.

Nintendo Insider (9/10):
Monster Hunter Rise is exceptional. 17 years on, and there still isn’t a gameplay experience that can deliver such tremendously heroic thrills at the same level as this. Evading increasingly crippling blows from a monster desperately fending for its life to managing to capture a monster while on the brink of your own failure, the excitement once the game clicks with you is constant and palpable. Capcom has crated yet another sensational addition to the Nintendo Switch library, which represents portable Monster Hunter at its unrivalled best, an outstanding hunt to set out on and a game that I look forward to playing for many years to come.

Digital Trends (4.5/5):
If you’re a fan of intense action RPGs, there’s very little like it on the Nintendo Switch right now. It’s a must-have. Once you get to grips with the combat, squeezing in a hunt in a hurry is a rewarding experience.

Siliconera (9/10):
Monster Hunter Rise is without a doubt one of the best Monster Hunter games I have ever played, if not the best outright. It caters to new and veteran players effortlessly, and while some accessibility issues holding it back from outright being a perfect game, it really offers the best of both worlds. (18/20, review in French):
Monster Hunter Rise is an excellent vintage. In the continuity of its predecessor, it makes hunting more pleasant and accessible than ever thanks to new gameplay features that boost the experience, from exploration to combat against these formidable monsters that we still enjoy facing. and even. The essence of the franchise remains intact, with this inherently redundant formula that will not appeal to everyone, but which shows itself so absorbing once tamed, whether alone or with others. A title that has the potential to occupy you for hundreds of hours, especially since Capcom intends to make you come back regularly with the addition of free content.

MGG Spain (90/100, review in Spanish):
Monster Hunter Rise has surprised us in many ways. After Monster Hunter World the bar was very high, but Capcom has once again surpassed itself by adding a much more dynamic combat system, more monsters and gigantic maps full of exploration. One of the Switch games of the year.

Areajugones (9/10, review in Spanish):
Monster Hunter Rise introduces several new gimmicks such as the wirebug and the Canyne that further improve the depth of the gameplay, becoming thus essential tools for future entries of the franchise. Monster Hunter Rise is, without a doubt, the definitive hunting experience in Nintendo Switch.

AusGamers (9/10):
The game’s various biomes are connected, which means your hunts are no longer bound by the old timey restraint known as ‘the loading screen’. This is a major improvement for the handheld side of the franchise, adding an open-world sheen and sense of realism to the biodiversity that is flora, fauna, and big bad monsters.

Nintendo World Report (9/10, video):
I put about 280 hours into Generations Ultimate and was playing it even up to the time this review goes live, but for mostly lack-of-PC reasons I never got into World. Monster Hunter Rise has enough content that I feel like I’ll be able to go all the way with it, and be able to take on the new hunts as they’re delivered. Even those who are just looking for a good action game, and have no history with the series, should jump in. If nothing else, I could use some help with Rathalos.

Nintendo Enthusiast (9/10, video):
Monster Hunter Rise manages to continue the series trend of delivering an excellent action RPG while also offering meaningful rewards and addicting gameplay. The game's new additions such as the Palamute and Wirebugs add more depth to what was an already solid foundation. Kamura Village is downright gorgeous, with the surrounding areas teeming with monsters both new and old. I'm excited to continue to play the game for the foreseeable future, playing online with my friends and completing what seems to be nearly endless content.

Critical Hit (9/10):
Monster Hunter Rise is fantastic from start to finish. It feels like a game that many will come to consider an essential on the Nintendo Switch thanks to its stunning graphics, addictive gameplay loop, consistently engaging combat, and bountiful bowls of unlockable content. Oh, and fighting alongside giant cats and dogs is simply too cool.

Destructoid (9/10, video):
Like a lot of Monster Hunter games, I slowly started to get more and more acclimated to Rise until I hit a positive tipping point.

Digitally Downloaded (4.5/5):
I really do love Monster Hunter. I might be terrible at it, but to me, that's secondary to the fact that it's a gorgeous, authentic bit of Japanese art. It’s like a modern take on the philosophy of ukiyo-e. It might be aesthetically different – completely different, in fact - but the ideas, storytelling tradition, and sense of wonder and awe at the natural world all translate across. In many ways, Monster Hunter Rise represents the purest execution of that idea, and from my perspective that makes it the best game in the series to date.

TheSixthAxis (9/10):
Monster Hunter Rise is an incredible game. While it may not feel quite as ground-breaking for the series as World did, it boasts a stronger and distinctly Japanese identity, and the changes and streamlined gameplay simply focus on the franchise's true stars – the monsters. Rise is easily one of the best games for the Nintendo Switch, and one of the finest Monster Hunters ever. (9/10, review in Greek):
Monster Hunter Rise is the first title in the series developed exclusively for the Nintendo Switch and looks really great on either the TV or the console screen.

Filmweb (9/10, review in Polish):
Thrilling and quite refreshing experience. Japanese folklore pours from every frame of this game, And it’s awesome!

Nintendo Wire (9/10, video):
For a certain type of player, Monster Hunter Rise is a Switch essential. If you’re both patient and attentive, and can handle massive opposition in the face of dedication, you will thrive. Though it can feel like taking on an iceberg with a butter knife at times, those behemoths are whittled down eventually and those moments can feel utterly glorious. (9/10, review in Italian):
It's incredible to have such a fun and marvelous Monster Hunter on Nintendo Switch.

TheGamer (4.5/5):
It's a great entry point thanks to the Village Quests and helpful dog companion. If you're a fan who already pre-ordered and want to know if it's good, rest assured. You might actually like Rise better than World, as it brings back some of the strategic variety while building on more recent quality-of-life updates. It's a shame that the Switch holds the game back in small ways, but this is a contender for best in the series. If post-launch support is as good as it was for World, this game could easily rise above the rest.

IGN Portugal (9/10, review in Portuguese):
Capcom did not forget Nintendo, delivering a mesmerizing and anticipated entry using what has been done so well in MHW. It adds something new to the series, with a mantle of Japanese folklore and culture. The innovations are enough to make us feel the weight of Monster Hunter Rise, a truly differentiating title that, like Monster Hunter World, will leave its mark to be replicated in future generations. Fast, fun and extremely addictive, Rise shows that Nintendo platforms continue to be one of the best places for memorable hunts. (9/10, review in Polish):
Nintendo Switch probably got one of the best games in 2021. Monster Hunter: Rise shows that with the right amount of time, resources and skills, you can create something beautiful on a hybrid Japanese console.

Power Unlimited (89/100, review in Dutch):
If Monster Hunter isn't your thing, then Rise won't convince you otherwise. But anyone who's not shy for bossfights, will be taken by the amazing flow and refreshing focus on speed, and will lose themselves for tens or hundreds of hours in this deep and engaging monster-mayhem.

PLAY! Zine (8.8/10, review in Bosnian):
If you've wanted to try out a Monster Hunter game but were always discouraged by its complexity and systems, here's a title that might change your mind. With tweaked pacing and mechanics, Monster Hunter Rise feels more accessible than ever, yet it loses next to none of its complexity that the veterans of the series cherish so dearly. For newcomers and returning players, this is the title to rise above all others.

SpazioGames (8.8/10, review in Italian):
Monster Hunter: Rise is able to innovate and feel familiar at the same time in an exceptionally well-crafted way. (87/100, review in German, video):
Even with slight deficits in terms of presentation and online connectivity this is a great franchise entry with added brute riding and tactical village defense as interesting new elements.

GAMES.CH (87%, review in German, video):
Even after its fantastic predecessor Monster Hunter Rise is far away from disappointing. The Palamute feature proves itself as an enrichment, making things faster and more comfortable. The wirebug enhances the variety of brute monster combat and exploration. There is just one weakness preventing the game from reaching outstanding Monster Hunter World on eye level: Overall, it's a little bit too easy for experienced gamers, especially related to the dual buddy system.

XGN (8.5/10, review in Dutch):
While the Rampage Mode was a bit disappointing, Monster Hunter Rise ultimately manages to incorporate the excellent gameplay of its predecessors while introducing the interesting new Wirebug mechanics. The game also brings back the interesting and often wonky weapon designs that many fans missed in Monster Hunter World. While graphics may have been sacrificed somewhat for this timed Switch Exclusive, Rise's personality more than makes up for it.

Millenium (85/100, review in French):
Monster Hunter Rise takes the license to new heights with better-than-ever gameplay, accompanied by great graphics and art direction for the Switch. It's a blast to explore the map on a mount, perform aerial maneuvers, and hunt large monsters alone or in groups. This would be a near perfect game if the content followed, having to wait for updates to explore high level content will indeed not be to everyone's taste. So patience may be required.

Nintenderos (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
Monster Hunter Rise is the perfect adaptation of the classic Capcom saga but adapted to the technical possibilities of Nintendo Switch. If you are lovers of the formula you will enjoy it as always. However, something new is missing to help the franchise move forward.

IGN Spain (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
One of the best games on Nintendo Switch. Very agile with a new vision of classic hunts.

Game Revolution (8.5/10):
Fans who love Monster Hunter exclusively for the hunts will likely welcome the raised emphasis on taking on major monsters as quickly as possible. However, Rise is missing some of the worldbuilding of Monster Hunter: World, which will make it feel a bit emptier for players who prefer to stop and smell the roses.

The Mako Reactor (8.5/10):
Overall, Monster Hunter Rise is a fantastic experience and easily one of the best games you can play on Nintendo Switch right now even in its current state. Just like how Monster Hunter World took the franchise forward, Monster Hunter Rise delivers. Hopefully the updates arrive sooner rather than later so that the game can feel complete with an actual postgame as opposed to repeating Rampage quests and older quests. In a lot of ways, this feels like Monster Hunter Portable 5th in the best way possible and I look forward to playing this for years to come. (8.5/10, review in Polish):
Monster Hunter Rise is another production that will achieve great success and will already lift the gigantic results of the Nintendo Switch. Capcom did not disappoint, providing a good and exciting proposition.

GamePro Germany (82/100, review in German):
Monster Hunter Rise improves the gameplay of the series in almost all aspects, but is flawed in terms of atmosphere and balance.

IGN (8/10, video):
Monster Hunter Rise mixes classic Monster Hunter ideas with some of World’s best improvements and a whole bunch of clever new mechanics of its own. Not all of them are slam dunks, but they are all fun – and the introduction of Wirebugs and the mobility they bring to every fight is so great I never want to give them up. The post-launch updates Capcom is already teasing can’t come soon enough, but Monster Hunter Rise is still a thrilling step forward in the series’ evolution toward the new normal World so boldly introduced.

GamesBeat (4/5):
Much to my surprise, I like Monster Hunter Rise for Switch even more than World.

VG247 (4/5, video):
Ultimately, Monster Hunter Rise is a solid, standalone entry to the series which pulls back on the scope of recent games on more powerful platforms, but doesn’t skimp on the fundamentals that made the Monster Hunter name. While it does feel like a smaller package in terms of grand story presentation, the new additions and quality-of-life fixes make it less grindy to play, with greater flexibility in exploration, navigation, and resource collection adding to the portable possibilities.

GamesRadar (4/5, video):
Monster Hunter Rise is a great adventure, providing fascinating new tools like the Wirebug and walking a fine line between arcade and fast-paced HD gameplay. The Rampages are a neat new addition when used sparingly, but a reliance on online hunts to finish Rise’s story is a puzzling step.

Stevivor (8/10):
If the clunkiness of Monster Hunter has held you back in the past, Rise could be a good jumping-on point to give the franchise another try. (4/5):
If you are a Monster Hunter veteran, I see no reason why you won't love Monster Hunter Rise. The game is basically a refined version of Monster Hunter World with some new gimmicks and a new aesthetic. For those looking to jump into Monster Hunter for the first time, Monster Hunter Rise is still a lot of fun. You won't necessarily understand everything right out of the gate, but you likely will over time as you hunt more and more monsters. All in all, this is a strong action RPG for the Nintendo Switch and has the potential to eat up tons of your time.

IGN Italia (8/10, review in Italian):
Monster Hunter Rise adds interesting elements to the basic formula of the series, also managing to present its contents to new players in a gradual manner. Yet it can't help but seem, in a sense, an unfinished game.

RPG Site (8/10, video):
There’s a framework of a great game here, and the changes and additions to the formula belay what feels like an even more significant step forward for the series than Monster Hunter: World. But that promise hasn’t yet come to fruition. I’m sure that one day Monster Hunter: Rise will be my favorite game in the series, but the road to reach that destination has only started. As for now, we’re left with an entry that ticks almost all of the boxes, but with some glaring exceptions. Monster Hunter: Rise is a great game; but it can, and should, be a fantastic one.

VideoGamer (8/10):
There is enough fun available for those who are happy to muddle through, and the winning combination of Wirebug and Palamute adds enough zip to each fight that you can swing over much of its more intricate baggage. Whether that counts for or against the game, I still haven’t decided; fortunately, no small measure of its power lies outside the combat, patrolling the glittering plains, and down in Kamura, amid the cats. It’s more than steel and hunters.

Eurogamer Italy (8/10, review in Italian):
Monster Hunter Rise is a rather traditional but still deep and very fun experience, with some clever implementation in terms of gameplay.

AnaitGames (8/10):
It may not be a step forward, but it is a very solid and clever addition to the Monster Hunter series, and proof that Capcom really knows what's best for it.

GameMAG (8/10, review in Russian):
Monster Hunter Rise is something of a middle ground between Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Generations, and yet not something that incorporates best aspects of both titles. Rise is a great action game, that brings back some questionable mechanics, and for some reason completly forgets about some interesting old ideas.

Game Informer (7.75/10, video):
Beyond mounting monsters and using the wirebug to wall-run in spectacular fashion, not much else distinguishes Monster Hunter Rise from the installments that came before. It has enough endgame content to keep you occupied long after the credits roll (if you don’t mind copious amounts of grinding) and multiplayer is still the optimal way to play, but the excitement of my early hunts waned before long. Monster Hunter Rise is far from being the next definitive chapter in the series. Nevertheless, if you’re looking for a polished-but-conventional adventure with a few small-scale nuances, then you’ll be right at home in Kamura Village.

Paste Magazine (7.5/10):
There are still moments where Rise leaves me in awe, like when a player jumps over a barrier I assumed would be blocked by an invisible wall. There is still a thrill in the heat of battle being interrupted by a fight between monsters.

IGN France (7/10, review in French):
This new opus is a great opportunity for everyone who dreamed of trying out the Monster Hunter licence but never dared to do so. Nonetheless Monster Hunter Rise find itself oversimplified because of its new features for most of the saga’s regulars.

GAMINGbible (7/10):
All in all, if you're a fan of the Monster Hunter franchise then this new instalment will absolutely tick all your boxes and more, what with all the new additions it brings. While Monster Hunter World was definitely a game designed more to welcome new players, Monster Hunter Rise calls back to the core fans. If you're relatively new, this might be intimidating at first; but once you get the hang of it there's a lot of fun to be had, either solo or with a group of friends. (7/10, review in Czech):
Monster Hunter Rise brings with it several new features that should become mainstays of the series. At the same time, however, it loses one of its most impressive systems - tracking the monsters. And so the hunt loses much of its magic.

Inverse (6/10):
Experiencing Monster Hunter for the first time on Switch is an awkward reminder of the limitations of Nintendo’s hybrid console, particularly a few months after the launches of Series X and PS5. Rise often feels like a throwback — and not in a good way.

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