IGN: How Rare Successfully Reinvented Sea of Thieves


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2018
Two years later, the company has delivered in spades. Here are just a few of the new features that add up to Chapman's critical mass. A collection of multi-step questlines called Tall Tales, which light up the world map with swashbuckling, genre-flick adventures. A Bermuda's Triangle-like region called the Devil's Roar, which is stocked with both plunder and dangerous volcanoes. A brand new game mode, the Arena, which pits rival brigantines against each other in instanced, player-vs-player battle. Rare initially promised an elaborate, fantastical pirate’s paradise -- and they got there, eventually. Two years after release, Sea of Thieves finally resembles the experience people dreamt about after its formal unveiling at E3 2015.
Today, Sea of Thieves is a surprise hit on Twitch -- megastreamer Jaryd "Summit1g" Lazar has integrated it into his broadcast rotation -- and in total, the game has over 1.8 million followers on the platform. After almost two decades in the wilderness since Microsoft acquired Rare in 2002, the venerable company finally has a bona fide phenomenon on its hands. Sometimes, as Chapman explains, the team has even found Twitch to be an inspiration for upcoming additions in the patch notes. There was a trend called "tucking," where players used the "sleep" emote to stowaway on unsuspecting ships. Rare didn't consider it an exploit. Instead, they added "hide" emotes so players could take their infiltration to a whole new level.

"We've embraced it," says Chapman. "We were like, 'That's really funny, that's cool, that's exactly what we want to see, people using the mechanics in an interesting way.'"
With title updates, hotfixes, and a ceaseless development cycle, every franchise earns at least one second chance in the open-world, always-online era. But Rare never betrayed their faith. The studio charted a comeback with a remarkably steadfast commitment to its vision of Sea of Thieves, betting it all on a single unassailable fact: that we all wish we could live the pirate's life. That core trust has informed every design decision they've made, and as a result, its shores will be awash in gold for a long, long time.

If you check the trailer, the first thing that you notice is the good graphic. And also the thing is that you may notice better sound too. I am sure there are other character optimizations were done in the background. Overall a good game improvement.

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