News Have you heard of CORE?


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2020
I can't tell you much about it myself, because I've only just heard of it... I'm not even fully sure what it is. It seems to be a platform, but it also seems to be game engine. Or at least a platform that has development tools it makes available for use. I'm not sure but it looks like it's worth further inspection. I will leave links to the story that made me aware of this in the first place, as well as directly to the blog it references and to CORE itself.

This looks interesting. Does it allow anyone to create games using their engine?
This looks interesting. Does it allow anyone to create games using their engine?
From what I understand, you can only make games on it with their tools. They are in alpha, and they doesn't currently have any export/import function. Though, they are looking to partner with consoles in the future to release games. (possibly Steam too, but they specifically said they can't speak to steam ATM)

I downloaded it last night, didn't do anything other than kind of look around. It's really more of a development tool, but it does have games and it's all free, for now in the alpha.
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Sounds great! Do you mind if I steal this to post on my gaming site?
Huh... I was just logging into Core, and it was requiring information about me, that I never used when I signed up, it was linked to accounts that I never gave them.

Originally I signed into feedback to ask why they removed the skirt option form customization. But now I want to know why they have accounts and information of mine I never used there, nor gave them.... I'll keep you posted if they reply, but for now, i'd say stay away. Stay far away, this reeks of shenanigans.
Ok, false alarm folks. They didn't tie me to google, Google tied me to them, because the feedback form was a google doc.

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