DayZ How To Find Your Friends Guide


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2021
DayZ How To Find Friends

Whether it’s Chernarus, Livonia, Namalsk, or whatever, if you want to play with your friends you’ll most likely be faced with a realization that you won’t spawn next to each other. You’ll probably spawn somewhere around Kamenka and your buddy will spawn in Zaliv Guba(Yeah, I know).

In this guide, I’ll be showing you how to meet up with your buddy, so you can loot, kill, eat human meat and shoot Bambis with sniper rifles for sport! Anyways, enough talkin’, let’s get to the guide:

Step 1: Spawning​


It’s kinda nice in here.

So, you have spawned - what now? Take a look around and check if there are any unique locations - it could be anything, a house, an oddly shaped piece of land, a lighthouse, etc.

If you’re spawned literally in the middle of nowhere, try running in a straight line till you find a unique object/location(Again - a lake, a house, a lighthouse, etc).

Step 2: Finding the unique object or location​


An island and a cigarette.

I found a lighthouse overlooking an island somewhere on the coast - that’s great - now you should open up your map(it can be a map from iZurvive, doesn’t have to be an in-game map).

Coast - Lighthouse - Island, 3 locations that you should look out for in your map!


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