News Circle of Kerzoven - Settlement-building Game Now in Alpha Playtest


New member
Dec 2, 2022
What is Circle of Kerzoven?
Circle of Kerzoven
is a charming settlement-building strategy game paired with a rich simulation experience. Every animal and plant tries to find their place in nature while you lead your villagers to their future. Expand to different regions and trade with local factions to gain needed resources.

The first public playtest starts now on my Discord!

❓What is waiting to be tested?
1. How does the new fence & road building system feel?
2. Does the new save / load mechanic work as intended?
3. Are the new animations with the items good (transporting goods, build things...)?

Our next target is to improve the UI. If you have ideas, feel something is missing or
already good please let us know.

? How do you join the Alpha Playtest?
Quite simply, you join our Discord here:

Then click on the link for the role "?Alpha Playtester" in the
channel "⭐︱get-your-role-here" and fill out the form.

After a few minutes you will receive a playtest key by mail.
You can activate this key on Steam and then download the «Circle of Kerzoven»
playtest and start building.

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