Love, Death & Robots, a Netflix anthology series, has become the service's biggest platform for experimental animation production since its debut in 2019. Each book of the series, created by Deadpool director Tim Miller, has offered filmmakers from varied backgrounds the opportunity to present...
Yasuke, a Netflix anime series set in 16th-century Japan, is remarkable for depicting a Black character as a ninja. While the show has science-fiction and fantasy themes, the main protagonist also has to cope with racial issues while forging his own identity.
Black supporting characters have...
High schools are one of the most popular locations for media aimed at young people, whether it's in movies, web series, or anime. High school anime programmes never fail to fascinate young viewers with a mix of unique viewpoints on adolescent life and twists of fantasy, drama, love, and action...
a place further than the universe
jujutsu kaisen
kaguya-sama: love is war
keep your hands off eizouken!
komi can’t communicate
kuroko’s basketball
the disastrous life of saiki k.
tokyo revengers
This weekend's binge-watching of Kotaro Lives Alone has to be one of the finest things we've done this year.
Many anime lovers, without a doubt, share this sentiment, as they, too, were enthralled by this amusing yet uplifting Netflix series and have gone on to watch it several times. All...
Splinter Cell, Far Cry and Captain Laserhawk A Blood Dragon Remix animated series are coming to Netflix and have been detailed by Ubisoft.
First, Splinter Cell will be written by John Wick‘s Derek Kolstad and Netflix has released our first look at what the series will look like. It’s above...
Resident Evil has two new shows in the works at Netflix, and the company has dropped more information about both shows in its Geeked Week livestream.
First, Resident Evil Infinite Darkness, a CG television show that will follow series leads Leon S Kennedy and Claire Redfield, debuted its...
Resident Evil Infinite Darkness release date was revealed alongside a new trailer.
The animated Netflix series will be available to stream from 8 July.
You can check out the new trailer below, which follows series leads Leon S Kennedy and Claire Redfield. Both characters look similar to their...
Netflix support will be discontinued on both Wii U and 3DS from July 2021, Nintendo has confirmed.
The Netflix app was previously removed from the Nintendo eShop for 3DS and Wii U on 31 December 2021, making this the final step in the process.
A statement from Nintendo reads:
Do you still...
Sonic the Hedgehog animated TV series will head to Netflix in 2022, the streaming company has confirmed.
Originally posted on Twitter by Netflix before shortly pulling it down:
There’s some real talent behind the new show; Wild Brain has worked on Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego series alongside...
Dragon’s Dogma anime is heading to Netflix in September, the streaming company has confirmed.
The animation adaptation of Capcom's 2012 RPG is scheduled to debut on September 17.
Netflix on Twitter:
Dragon’s Dogma on Twitter:
Netflix's page reads:
Are you excited for Dragon’s Dogma? Why...
Netflix’s Transformers War for Cybertron Trilogy first trailer has been released, the first part of a series of three.
Netflix said:
The War for Cybertron Trilogy is produced by Rooster Teeth and Polygon Pictures. It stars Jake Foushee as Optimus Prime, Jason Marnocha as Megatron, Linsay...