Who here plays GTA 5?

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Feb 1, 2019
Are you guys still playing GTA5 and what do you think about it?

Is it dying or not?

In my opinion the game is still doing very well, they keep updating the game. Maybe it's a little bit in the shadow of Rockstar's Red dead redemption...

Anyways, if you're still playing GTA5, do you want to play together? What's your name? :giggle:
I still play pretty much any GTA release. I love it. I don't think it is dying, most gaming websites are still rating it with 5 stars.
I still play pretty much any GTA release. I love it. I don't think it is dying, most gaming websites are still rating it with 5 stars.

Yes, it's also my opinion :)

Did you know you get 250k in your Maze bank account if you log in every weekend this February? (250k every weekend)

I love these actions of Rockstar!
I think it's still alive and kicking. GTA V is a game that continues to improve and create experiences to users.
GTA 5 is an action-adventure video game. why should I stop playing it?! It has awesome cars, a large variety of weapons, good story. It has lots of ways to earn money and get rich :) It's like living in your dream life.
It's an open world, Open world never die, I've played It last year So much for long nights with a crazy group of friends, that I just need a break of it now; But for sure i would play it again some other game, all GTA releases are classics.
after i finished the story mode of gta v i havent actually played it since then. i hope they release soon the next gta because i know that will be better and exciting story as well. i have been a fan of gta series since gta 2. and rockstar games literally rocks with their games.
Well I've never had a chance to play this game since my laptop is quite outdated but, I watch a lot of GtaV streams like Zombie Apocalypse and Real-Life Mod by TypicalGamer.
To be honest, I didn't play GTA 5 quite a lot. Only a bit with a friend and for the multiplayer. Storywise, I'm still stuck somewhere in Los Santos with CJ, haha.
Yep, still playing, I will not get tired of exploring Los Santos lol :p
Seriously though, this game still rocks considering it was released 6 years ago.
Nice to hear you all still love GTA5 :D

I was wondering if any of you played the story line, because I've had some troubles with it.
After like 5% (I don't know the exact number) of the storyline, you have to enter a Suburban store.
Unfortunately, I can't enter the store, the doors seem to be locked.

I might just start over again, but if any of you had the same problem and you solved it, please let me know :)
I think GTA series is pretty much ghetto. And not something I'd call decent. It should die eventually though. Something like that is not going to benefit the society as it puts wrong mindset into kids. I hope that they may do something better with the series.
I haven't played Grand Theft Auto V for a long time now. The problem for me was that it just turned into a cash grab and the game has been catered to little kids. I feel like they don't care about the majority of people that love GTA anymore. The addition of things like satellite missiles, flying bikes and futuristic cars just ruined the game for me. It turned into another Saints Row and I didn't like that which is why I haven't played it in a while.
My name on Grand Theft Auto is AbuzzMonk64. That's my Xbox Gamer tag. I'm still playing this video game as of today and I agree with what you mentioned in your original post. I don't believe it's dying as such however the video game can be very repetitive and boring at times
I hope it dies out soon though because I really want the next Grand Theft Auto title. I just don't like GTA 5 anymore and they've ruined the game in so many ways that it's bored me really. Like you said, it's just become so repetitive and boring at times especially if you don't want to spend hours and hours grinding on the game just to be able to afford a small car. I think their latest addition, the RC cars are like a million each which is crazy.
Oddly enough I never played anything beyond CJ's story (aka San Andreas). Not sure why. Maybe I grew too old of it, or simply no time.
When do you all think Grand Theft Auto 6 will be released? What would everyone like to see in the game? A new location, new map, or new vehicles and weapons? The ability to enter all building would be a cool feature in my opinion
Expect it in 2019 mid or you can also expect it maybe next year. Because I am sure after the Resident evil 2 remake, you may see the changes in the graphics and the story line of many games. Now the games are trying to be more realistic. So it's kind of time they may take before releasing the games in the market.
This topic reminds me that it's been a while since I've played any games in the GTA series. When it comes to playing a game with a crazy (but fun) story this is one of my favorites.
Are you guys still playing GTA5 and what do you think about it?

Is it dying or not?

In my opinion the game is still doing very well, they keep updating the game. Maybe it's a little bit in the shadow of Rockstar's Red dead redemption...

Anyways, if you're still playing GTA5, do you want to play together? What's your name? :giggle:

I still have a lot of fun playing GTA on a fairly regular basis. I'd say I play it about once a month. I enjoy playing it with my brother, as it's just something he and I have always had in common and it brings us closer together. If a time comes that I no longer get a thrill from playing the game, is when I will pack it in. :p

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