What's your favorite gaming platform?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2019
I haven't really tried the other ones that much or any. Therefore, my opinion is a bit ill-informed. Nonetheless, let me say I really like Nintendo - due to the Mario and Donkey Kong brands.
Well I'm not a game but would like to try sometime .. so i have no idea here
Last generation I preferred Xbox 360 over PS3, this generation I went for a PS4 and have never played an Xbox One..

Next generation, who knows! ?
Might as well just copy and paste Nerdface's message because it's the same with me. I had a Xbox 360 and loved it. But for the current generation, I moved over to the PlayStation 4 and I'm extremely happy. It was just so much better at launch and I still think the PS4 is much better than the Xbox One (in terms of base consoles).
5th Generation: N64
6th Generation: GameCube
7th Generation: PS3
8th generation: Need to try Xbox One so I can't really decide.
Pc all the way every day :P

But aside from that I really did like the ps2 as it was such a huge step up from the ps1 and other game consoles that were around in the generation that came before it. it seems like the development speed for improvements to stuff is starting to slow down somewhat and I kinda miss that feeling of never having thought things could look like "that."
I wanted the Dreamcast because of that Jet Set Radio game. It looked really cool. The also had some Sonic game I wanted too. Also I wanted the Xbox because you were able to listen to music and play games simultaneously. The games also looked better on the Xbox as well. I remember playing NBA2K and the characters having a lot more detail on the Xbox version than the PS2 version.

And I would like a PS4 so I can play uncharted. But I rarely game anymore and at the time the Xbox One Media functionally shitted on the PS4 so I went with it.
What I really want to do is build/buy a gaming PC. I consider all of them as my gaming platform.
That is a hard one. While I do like the gamecube, PS1-4 have some many game options to choose from. I can't really pick an all time fave, at least not at the moment.
I think for me it has to be Android. I have most of the games reviewed with the Android. And so far that seems to be working out. I know there are some really good options for the games but I mostly prefer android over PC or the consoles. Consoles can be expensive but Android is lot cheaper to review too.
PC first and Xbox second! I love the crossplay feature that's available on some games on Xbox and Windows 10 such as Sea of Thieves that makes it possible to play with both Xbox players and PC players in the same game. Microsoft also sells Xbox Play Anywhere games that let you purchase the game on either PC or Xbox and play it on both platforms - now that's great value for consumers.
PC for me. Computer parts are cheaper, easier to modify and upgrade, and your probably going to need a PC anyway. You can stll use it for word processing and Web browsing.
For me I prefer to play using my android phone because it was bearable, I can play anytime anywhere my favorite mobile games not only when im inside. especially if i am traveling going somewhere It was very useful and can be a serve as a partner in your bord time. Not like the PC there is limited access on it, you can only enjoy it when you are in indoor..
My choice would be a PC and a smartphone. Pc because it can surely be upgraded if needed whenever, and anytime I want and there's really a lot of benefits to having a PC at home. A Smartphone nowadays are a nice gaming platform because of the perks of it being handy and of course a phone in one and feels like holding a joystick like I used to play before back when I was a kid.
You should go for it if you really want it. I never really considered building a gaming PC too much but it sounds fairly interesting.
I'd say go for something that has longer shelf value. I try to buy games and the consoles with that logic. I try to avoid making use of the small term games or the consoles. Because that does not add much value in overall purchase.
For me PS and the Android seems to be better. Because Android games are easy to install and play. And I don't tend to rely much on the external gaming platforms for reviews either. I do think PS is another important platform because no gaming company ignores it in terms of the release.
I grew up a Sega fanboy, that morphed into an Xbox fan that then became a more globalized gamer and realized that, to get a real gaming experience, you have to embrace all gaming platforms as best as possible. Right now I'd say I still prioritize my game more towards Xbox than any other platform, though PC is a very close second, switch 3rd, PS4 fourth and retro gaming 5th.
Grew up with Nintendo Gameboy and SNES, and then got introduced to Playstation and have followed them through since.

Not big on PC gaming, but have dabbled a little in it.

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