What's a terrible game that you stuck out with and finished?

Martin Berisford

Article Author
Mar 29, 2019
What's a game that you didn't enjoy, but ended up finishing anyway? Like a game that you just thought every moment was a hard slog to even do anything or was just annoyingly complicated to polish off. Why did you end up finishing that game if you didn't like it in the end?

For me, the recent COD games really strike that chord with me. It just got repetitive and boring in all honestly but I felt like I had to complete it because the story managed to keep me locked in. The actual 'doing it' part of the story mode was just mundane shoot shoot hide stuff for me but hey.

What about you?
Not really terrible but I played return to castle wolfestein, which was kind of hard at that time for me but I stuck with it and finished. I think it was one of the harder game for me at that time.
I've never played a game all the way through that I didn't like. And I have to admit some of these games I never finish. The games that I have finished in the past 3 years are Gears of War 4, Pokemon Lets go Pikachu, and I hope to play Octopath Traveler through the entirety when I buy it. That's about it. Most single player games these days are pure garbage and trash. There's is the occasional good game which is usually made for the nintendo switch and I will play it in that case. I almost finished Mario Odyssey and thought it was a great game. If I hadn't of sold my switch and had my save deleted before buying a new one then I would have beat the whole thing but good single player games are usually on the Switch these days with one exception being Red Dead Redemption 2 which I haven't played yet but own and want to play through the whole thing

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