What was your first PS4 game?


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2019
We all have our favorite games that drove us to purchasing a particular gaming console. Now, my question is what game pushed you into buying Playstation 4 console?

Mine happens to be Final Fantasy games.
My first game on our Play station 4 was Plants VS Zombie. Well, since it was my favorite mobile game I tried this also at Play Station, and I enjoyed a lot. My husband subscribed to PS Plus just for me to play the game. So thoughtful of him. :love:
I have no current top number one, but some of my faves are Ark and Far Cry Primal. There are some games I haven't gotten the chance to play yet on it.
I don't have a playstation gadget before but I usually played at my cousins home. It was Super Mario Bros. that's always the cause for trouble. We always fight and argue whoever is in control with the remote. Mostly of us are impatient. We always have to be the first one to start and end the game. I have good memory of that game. I was entertained and excited with the adventure of the game.
The Last of us and Watchdogs. I bought the Ps4 in a bundle so played those 2 boss games first.
The Last of Us! The story is magnificient. I keep rewatching on YouTube as well.
NBA2k19 i'm also been a fan of nba so this is the only game i usually play on PS4.
I got the PlayStation 4 slightly later and a little while after it's initial release. I believe it was around 10-12 months after the release that I got the PlayStation 4 so the first game that I got for it was Grand Theft Auto V. I remember being so excited for it because of the addition of first-person view and the smaller changes like the increased wildlife in the ocean etc.
We all have our favorite games that drove us to purchasing a particular gaming console. Now, my question is what game pushed you into buying Playstation 4 console?

Mine happens to be Final Fantasy games.
Damn, I wish I could remember. I don't think it was a particular game, though. I think it had to do with liking the platform and the games available.
Damn, I wish I could remember. I don't think it was a particular game, though. I think it had to do with liking the platform and the games available.

I believe that what matters most is playing something that gives you joy at any point in time. It doesn't have to be a generally acceptable game but what tickles your fancy.
My first game on our Play station 4 was Plants VS Zombie. Well, since it was my favorite mobile game I tried this also at Play Station, and I enjoyed a lot. My husband subscribed to PS Plus just for me to play the game. So thoughtful of him. :love:
I think it is one of the most popular game in the tower defense category. And lot of PS and Android users loved playing it. I guess for each type of the gamers it could mean lot different though. Like PS being more towards FPS types games. But I personally have found PVZ lot better to play.
I got the PlayStation 4 slightly later and a little while after it's initial release. I believe it was around 10-12 months after the release that I got the PlayStation 4 so the first game that I got for it was Grand Theft Auto V. I remember being so excited for it because of the addition of first-person view and the smaller changes like the increased wildlife in the ocean etc.

Many games are still in love with playing GTA till today. Personally, I still give it a go from time to time whenever I can spare time for it.
I think GTA has huge fan base and people if find new game coming, they would be surely buying them. GTA is sort of like cult game. And definitely consider that game as something for long term though. We never know when games such as that can make big impact as well. It may be earning more for the games around.

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