What made you realize you're an adult?


Active member
Apr 10, 2019
What was the one thing that has happened in your life that made you realize you're finally an adult?
The point where you don't have to do what your parents tell you to do all the time.
When I realized that I had to buy the milk and cereal before I can eat it. That then required me to get a job so I can pay for that. Later on I ended up with a girl who found out she is now an adult too, so then I had to work more hours to pay for my therapy, which is located at a local bar and my prescribed medicine from my therapist (who happens to be the bartender) is beer :)
Hope that helps aha
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I'm paying bills, I have daily stress and parts of my body start to hurt for no reason. It sucks, but at least I can drive a car :)
Being able to buy the things I want freely. I know it's not a big deal but being able to make my own money and choosing whatever the hell I want is a great "adult" feeling
Well, when I realize that I'm gaming again I'm not an adult :P

Since I left school, a high school like 1 year early to start a job that lead me to college. THen since then, I was out of the house traveling and doing basically my own choice. Mean out to Collage and not to be back home till 5pm or later. Since I chose to stay out long er at collage
I suppose when I make decisions based on family members and not just myself.
This happend for me when I noticed nobody is making decisions for me, other than myself. Realizing nothing you think about gets done, unless you actuallly do it.
This happend for me when I noticed nobody is making decisions for me, other than myself. Realizing nothing you think about gets done, unless you actuallly do it.
DO you remember what was the decision about? and what made you stand up for yourself

I say you need to stand up for yourself. Things changed when I had to leave the house more often
DO you remember what was the decision about? and what made you stand up for yourself

I say you need to stand up for yourself. Things changed when I had to leave the house more often
Yes I remember the decision clearly. I was like 17 at the time, playing basketball for my provience. During the season I realzied this was something I was beginning to not have such an interst anymore, and my upcoming senior year season was just around the corner. I decided that no matter how much my parents or family wanted my to continue playing, I had other goals I wanted to begin working on.
When the bill for the rent came in my first apartment, and it was on payday. After I paid it and the utilities, I had enough left over to barely buy a few weeks worth food. And I mean, like enough ramen and mac and cheese to stretch it out over 14 days.
I still don’t feel like an adult despite being 42. I think the one thing which made me realise I am an adult was telling my parents off for doing something silly. Complete role reversal. Terrifying.
I still don’t feel like an adult despite being 42. I think the one thing which made me realise I am an adult was telling my parents off for doing something silly. Complete role reversal. Terrifying.
hahahhahaha that how I feel .. I'm 21 and I hate when ladies call me a man.
Probably the day after my wedding, being able to introduce my partner to people as my wife, it felt like a watershed moment

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