- She discovers she is not the true heir.
- Everyone loves John Snow, and nobody in Westeros loves her, not as one of their own.
- And now that he knows that the Dragon Queen is his aunt, he can no longer sleep with her.
- Plus Milasandra is dead, and she truly feels alone.
- Daenerys finally gets smart about dragon deployment, but…
- The bells toll signaling the surrender of Kings Landing, Daenerys flips and decides to burn them all.
- … and then decides to tear down most of the big beautiful Red Keep.
The answer: if not mad then epecially, murderously driven to the point of folly. The wealth generation of a city like Kings Landing was too great to throw away.
So clearly at the end she and her dragon ran amuck to rule over a ruin. Up to this point Daenerys Targaryen had alway acted rationally, worried about the downtrodden, and acted a recognizable moral compass until Kings Landing. Was it better to surprise the audience with this flip in personality, or build up to it, giving them a clue in advance?
I still strenuously object to Bran being chosen King. He had done nothing but become a seer, and had done nothing that would inspire the nobility as having leadership qualities And they send Jon Snow to the Night’s Watch? Lol.
Here’s a question, with the Night King dead, is there still a need for the Night’s watch and a 900’ wall?
I still prefer this ending
