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These are the top 15 Runescape best weapons to optimize your player versus monster (pvm) experience.
Runescape is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) with limitless options on where to start. A lot of players will choose either to quest, skill, and pvm. Many players will choose to train their combat stats so they’re able to primarily pvm in game, which can provide lots of gold coins to optimize their setup. But if you’re short on gold coins, you can always obtain them from the source! We will talk about how to obtain the top 15 weapons, capabilities, and stats.
15. Blightbound Crossbow and Off-hand Blightbound Crossbow

These leafy dual wielding cross-bows are powerful than one might think.
The blightbound crossbow has a main-hand crossbow and an off-hand counterpart which allows for maximum ranged damage. It is known to be one of the strongest crossbows in the game. It requires 92 Ranged to wield and is the highest tiered crossbow at this time. To maximize hits, players may use blight bolts. Though other players may choose to use bakriminel bolts instead because these crossbows give a 25% chance to save those bolts and when both are wielded, there is a 50% chance to save bolts. Keep in mind these crossbows are degradable and once degraded will need to be repaired by an NPC to be used again! It is highly useful for when you are doing slayer tasks and for bossing.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Being a tier 92 weapon, you will be able to achieve maximum damage per second (DPS)
- This weapon is versatile as you are able to use multiple types of crossbow bolts, as each bolt have special abilities
- If using bakriminel bolts, you’ll be saving money and have no need to pick up the bolts dropped on the ground
Main Hand
- Style: Bolts
- Damage: Ability- 883.2
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 7
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
- Style: Bolts
- Damage: Ability-441.6
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 7
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
You can obtain this as a rare drop from Solak if you’re ambitious or buy it off the grand exchange (GE) if you’ve got some profit to spare to buy this.
14. Abyssal Scourge

Some might say this is simply an improved version of the abyssal whip, although it comes with abilities that are highly useful.
If you want to whip your enemies into shape, the abyssal scourge is the way to go. It is a melee weapon that requires 92 Attack to wield. What makes this weapon so desirable for melee users is that it has a passive effect known as Abyssal Parasite that deals additional damage that stacks when it hits. It can be combined with other bleed abilities like dismember and slaughter, which can quickly become a KO for the target receiving this attack. This weapon also degrades and will need to be fixed once degraded completely.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- If the target that gets hit by Abyssal Parasite and dies, the effect can spread out to a 5x5 range
- Not only can the effect spread hitting other enemies, but the targets won’t be aggressive towards you so you’re not getting slapped by multiple enemies at once
- The weapon can be upgraded with abyssal armor spikes and its alloy version, a consumable item that can inflict damage to target in adjacent tiles
- Style: Slash
- Damage: Auto- 883.2; ability- 883.2
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 1
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
You can obtain this weapon as a rare drop from abyssal lords, which requires 115 slayer to kill. If you don’t have the slayer level and are adamant on getting this weapon, you can always buy it from the GE.
13. Eldritch Crossbow (ECB)

This two handed crossbow can pack a punch.
This fancy crossbow is a two-handed ranged weapon, requiring 92 Ranged to wield. When examined it is “A sinister weapon from the depths of the Shadow Reef.” Which holds up to its name because of its special ability Split Soul, only requiring 25% adrenaline to activate. When it comes to pvming, most players will use a curse known as Soul Split that enables a player to be healed when damaging their target, but with this weapon instead it damages the player’s enemy 4x the amount it would have been healed. This is another weapon that is degradable, so make sure you keep in mind to fix it when it's fully degraded.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- When paired with an Amulet of Souls or Essence of finality amulet, the damage output is increased, making it an ideal (damage per second) DPS weapon
- If you’re experienced at pvming and want to keep it exciting you can prayer flick with this weapon
- The ability Split Soul has no cooldown, so you can use it immediately after and still benefit from its attack
- Style: Bolts
- Damage: Auto- 1,173; ability- 1,324.8
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 9
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
This weapon can be obtained as 3 separate rare drops from defeating The Ambassador in ED3, The Shadow Reef. It requires 96 Fletching to create. If you’re not much of a skiller, your best bet is to probably buy this weapon off the GE.
12. Noxious Scythe

This scythe is known as one of the most versatile weapons.
Up next, one of the more popular melee weapons held in game is the noxious scythe. Who wouldn’t want to hold this weapon as it looks so badass? Requiring 90 Attack to wield, it is currently the 4th most powerful two handed melee weapon. Similar to a halberd in attack distance of 2 spaces, it is a highly effective weapon to use as it can attack such a large range of foes. This weapon has a special attack, Mirrorback, that requires 100% adrenaline to summon a spider to help the player. This friendly spider helps reduce 50% of the damage and reflects it back to the player’s target, keeping that damage equal to itself though. Just like all the prior weapons, it can degrade and requires to be fixed once in a broken state.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Paired with an aggression and overload potion, this weapon is popular for training melee at abyssal demons
- This weapon is inexpensive in comparison to other higher tier weapons and is versatile
- Known as Best in Slot (BiS) due to its range and can attack many foes at once, creating plenty of profit for improved weapons later on
- Style: Slash
- Damage: Auto-2,011.5; Ability-1,296
- Accuracy: 2,458
- Range: 2
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
You can obtain this weapon by defeating Araxxor and Araxxi to obtain a spider leg along with Araxxi’s fang; requiring 90 Crafting to combine. If you don’t have the level, you can buy at the GE.
11. Masterwork Spear of Annihilation

The passive effect of this spear can deplete an enemies health before they know it.
A superior upgrade to the Spear of Annihilation, this melee weapon requires 92 Attack to wield. If you’re a skiller just like me, you’d want to have this in your bank due to the amount of work it takes to create this weapon. What makes this weapon great to have is that it has a passive effect that extends the effect of your bleed abilities by 50%. This is highly efficient for when you want your foe to be dealt with swiftly. In comparison to the other degradable weapons, this one can be repaired with glorious bars.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- With the passive effect, this weapon is known to be the best spear used against the corporeal beast
- If this weapon is combined with the Strength Cape perk, the ability Dismember can deal an additional 3 hits. Not only that but if the Ek-ZekKil ability is infused with the Essence of Finality amulet, Igneous Cleave, can hit 3 times, for a total of 9 hits and can be extended with the other 5 bleed abilities. Smashing!
- If you’re really extra, the passive effect of this spear also works with the Attacker’s insignia increasing the damage done with bleed attacks
- Style: Stab
- Damage: Auto-2,056.2; Ability- 1,324.8
- Accuracy 2,577
- Range: 1
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
This weapon is a bit on the tougher end to obtain. It requires 115 Archaeology to make from scratch along with completing the achievement It Should Have Been Called Aetherium. Once the Spear of Annihilation is created, it needs Masterwork trim and a Glorious bar used at an Imcando anvil in Thalmund’s forge. The final steps are to use it at this same anvil with additional Masterwork trim, Glorious bar, and Masterwork Rivets to get the completed result. Due to the lengths it takes to make this weapon, some players opt to simply buy it off the GE.
10. Inquisitor Staff

This staff may not seem mighty but once you know its passive effect, you may want to grab one.
Next on the list of best weapons is the almighty Inquisitor Staff! At first this staff seems low tier, only requiring 80 Magic to wield, it actually has an awesome passive effect, Dark Wither, which allows bonuses to melee classed foes. So rather than attacking these enemies at tier 80, it will attack specific ones as if it is a tier 97 staff. Impressive! Even though this weapon is not as effective in player versus player (pvp), it is highly effective against bosses with increased damage and accuracy. This weapon is also degradable and will need to be repaired.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Not only is it able to act as a tier 97 staff but if Enhancement of Affliction is used on the staff, it can have a permanent unlock of 5% damage increase
- Even if not used alongside other boosts such as potions, armor, auras, etc. this staff can still perform at tier 94 damage
- Slayer monsters are also included in being impacted by this staff’s boosts, making tasks easier and faster
- Style: Spell-casting
- Damage: Ability-1,152
- Accuracy: 1,924
- Range: 8
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
This weapon requires 114 Archaeology to restore the Praetorian staff and the 3 respective pieces, Inquisitor’s staff ornament, rod, and censer to put together. It also requires 93 Runecrafting along with 93 Crafting. If you’ve got the skills to create this, it will be less spendy than buying it off the GE, but can be bought there if wanted.
9. Noxious Longbow

May seem like any other bow, but there are some perks to this one.
Another popular weapon held by players is the Noxious Longbow, requiring 90 Ranging to wield this two handed ranged weapon. It is very similar to the Noxious Scythe in its design as it comes from the same source, a spider. This weapon has the same special attack Mirrorback just as the scythe from earlier in this article. It is a lethal bow that can use arrows up to Araxyte arrows and is able to use special arrows such as Black Stone arrows and Elder God arrows. Very similar to the scythe, it is a degradable weapon.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- In comparison to higher level ranged weapons, this is more affordable bow to buy if looking to train Ranged efficiently
- Since it is a longbow, it is able to attack enemies from a distance, making it an effective weapon to safe spot enemies
- This bow also has access to the Elder God arrows with allows for more damage output
- Style: Arrows
- Damage: Auto-1,147.5; Ability- 1,296
- Accuracy: 2,458
- Range: 9
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
Just like the Scythe, this weapon can be created by combining a spider leg along with Araxxi’s web at 90 Crafting. You can receive these pieces as a rare drop from Araxxor. If anything you can always buy this off the GE if you’re not a big fan of killing large spiders frequently.
8. Zaros Godsword (ZGS)

Zaros Godsword is known to be one of the strongest of the Godswords.
This two handed sword replaced the original acronym of Zamorak godsword (ZGS) as it became more relevant due to it being the second strongest melee weapon. Plus it also looks aesthetically pleasing with the cosmetic dyes! This impressive weapon has a special attack, Blackhole, which can impact 7x7 radius in game, requiring 50% adrenaline and has a 60 second cooldown. If players stay within the area of this special attack, their melee damage increases up to 25%! The Zaros Godsword is top-quality in comparison to the other godwords. This is a degradable weapon.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Not only does Blackhole increase damage while standing in the area-of-effect but it is very similar to Magic’s Sunshine and Range’s Death’s swiftness abilities where you can switch weapons and still have the effect
- Damage output is significantly increased adding Berserk ability afterwards, including dragon battleaxe
- The special alone is usually what is sought after for this, which is ideal for high level pvming in comparison to slayer, so keep this in mind if buying this weapon
- Style: Slash
- Damage: Auto-2,056.2; Ability-1,324.8
- Accuracy: 2,557
- Range:1
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
In order to get this weapon, one must obtain the rare drops from Telos; orb of pure anima, volcanic anima, corrupted anima, and the dormant Zaros Godsword. It requires 92 Crafting to create and if one does not feel like fighting Telos, can simply buy off the GE.
7. Ek-ZekKil (Zuk Sword)

A powerful two handed weapon that swipe your enemies with massive blows or be used in an amulet for it's special attack.
Now this two-handed molten rock sword is an obsidian weapon that can be wielded at 95 Strength. You’d want to steer clear from being attacked by this sword’s special, Igneous Cleave. This special attack only requires 50% adrenaline and has a 60 second cooldown that does 62%-190% ability damage then bleeds the opponent shortly after. Not only is the bleed damage deadly but each hit has a x5% increase damage from the previous. When paired with a Berserker necklace, there is a 5% damage bonus when worn. This weapon is degradable and must be repaired once fully degraded.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Most players will put the special ability of this weapon into the Essence of Finality amulet to maximize their damage output. When this is in the amulet and paired with the Masterwork Spear of Annihilation, it can increase the bleed hits by 50% and can even increase the number of bleed hits up to 9!
- The opponent whose hit by this won’t only suffer from the special attack but can be paired with certain basic, thresholds, and ultimate abilities to add 5 more bleed hits
- This weapon can also be paired with Gloves of Passage passive effect providing 20% increase damage to melee bleeds
- Style: Slash
- Damage: Auto-2,123.3; Ability- 1,368
- Accuracy: 2,765
- Range:1
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
If you’re feeling ambitious and up to the task, this weapon can be created by combining an obsidian blade, magma core, and ancient hilt if you’ve obtained each of these by defeating TzKal-Zuk in hard mode. Though since this boss is not exactly easy to kill, some players vouch for buying it off the GE.
6. Dark Shard of Leng and Dark Sliver of Leng

One might think this weapon is for fashionscape purposes, but has an awesome passive effect.
This dual wielding duo is currently the strongest in game, requiring 95 Attack to hold both weapons. If you’re looking for some quick DPS this is the weapon to go as it is fastest at 2.4s per attack! Players buy this weapon for its special attack Icy Tempest, which only uses 20% adrenaline and has a 60 second cooldown between uses. What makes this weapon neat in comparison to others is that it can increase the damage cap up to 30% for 30 seconds. This is a weapon that requires a lot more focus because in such a short interval you can use it to hit the damage cap with the Berserk ability. This weapon is degradable and requires to be repaired once fully degraded.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- While these weapons are dual wielding, the ability Hurricane is able to be used; this ability is generally only used with 2 handed weapons
- When using these weapons together, there is no longer a cooldown between Hurricane and Destroy abilities allowing for multiple consecutive attacks
- To keep you on your toes and continually hit the damage cap, you can use this dual wielding weapon if your seeking to hit your damage cap
Main Hand
- Style: Slash
- Damage: Auto-912; Ability- 912
- Accuracy: 2,765
- Range: 1
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
- Style: Stab
- Damage: Auto- 456; Ability-456
- Accuracy: 2,765
- Range: 1
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
If you have the tier 85 weapon version of this weapon, you can combine the drops from Arch-Glacor to create this upgraded weapon. It requires Glacor remnants, Dark nilas, Dark ice shard, and Frozen core of Leng to create along with 95 Smithing and 95 Crafting. The same applies to the off-hand as it is an upgraded version of the dark ice sliver. This is a cheaper alternative in comparison to buying off the GE, but if you have the money and can’t wait on the drops to create this it can be bought from the GE.
5. Seismic Wand and Singularity

A powerful combo if you're a bit tight on cash.
If you’re not much into 2 handed spellcasting, the seismic wand and singularity have got your back for dual wielding magic. This combo is the second strongest wand and orb in game right behind the Praesul Wand and Orb. Some players vouch for this setup in comparison as it is a much cheaper alternative. Although this wand may not have a special ability, it can be paired with the ability Greater Concentrated Blast, which can only be used with dual-wielding magic weapons. This ability attack can cause critical hits and hit between 53.4%-267% ability damage within 1.8 seconds in 3 hits. This weapon does degrade and will need to be repaired once fully degraded.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Though a bit on the spendier side of magic equipment, it is cheaper to the strongest weapon in game
- The Seismic Singularity can be combined with a perfect chitin to create a Kalphite Rebounder which is the strongest in game and provides 3% accuracy boost and a chance to reflect a hit reducing damage to the user
- It does not require much to get this weapon as it is a drop from a boss
Main Hand
- Style: Spell-casting
- Damage: Ability- 864
- Accuracy: 2,458
- Range: 8
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
- Style: Stab
- Damage: Ability-432
- Accuracy: 2,458
- Range: 8
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
In comparison to the other weapons, this requires less work and a bit of luck. If you’re into bossing, you can find this by defeating Vorago on the rare drop table. If you’re not looking to defeat him multiple times to get this combo, you can always buy it off the GE.
4. Seren Godbow

This beautiful weapon has a special attack that can devastate multiplpe opponents.
This magnificent shortbow requires 92 Ranging to wield and is just as admiral as the goddess Seren herself. This bow is highly sought out by players not only because of its fashionable looks but it is also a chargebow so it is able to provide its own ammo. This two handed shortbow has a special attack, Crystal Rain, in which 5 arrows are shot up into the air and when falling down can cause damage to enemies standing in that spot. The special attack only costs 30% adrenaline.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- When using Crystal rain, this weapon can be highly damaging to enemies that are bigger than the 5 by 5 area if each arrow hits, making it highly effective for certain bosses impacted by this
- Despite it being highly costly to buy this bow, it is cost efficient to not have to pay for additional arrows. Some players may vouch to high tiered arrows for more damage
- When paired with the ranged ability Death’s Swiftness, enemies can be attacked for 50% more damage
- Style: Arrows
- Damage: Auto-2,056.2; Ability-1,324.8
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 9
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
This is another weapon that can be created by defeating the boss, Telos. One must have a dormant Seren godbow combined with an orb of pure, volcanic, and corrupted anima with 92 Crafting to create. But just like everything else, can be bought off the GE.
3. Praesul Wand and Imperium Core

If you've got money for days and love dual wielding Magic, this may be the one for you.
Behold, the strongest dual wielding magic weapons. Requiring 92 Magic to wield both wand and orb, players seek to have this to have the fastest magic attacks. When 100% accuracy is achieved, this weapon can be absolutely deadly when paired with Greater Concentrated Blast. This much accuracy is hard to achieve and is highly recommended for users who want to maximize their DPS. Of course, just like all the other weapons it is degradable and will need to be repaired once broken.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- Since this duo is currently the strongest wand and orb in game, it can provide the most damage to any foes
- As stated from above, when paired with the ability Greater Concentrated Blast, critical strikes can hit the target. Keep in mind this ability has a chance to force a critical hit by 5% per strike!
- Some players who are really into pvming can make use of the game ticks by 2 ticking to get the most damage output
Main Hand
- Style: Spell-casting
- Damage: Ability- 883.2
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 8
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
- Style: Stab
- Damage: Ability-441.6
- Accuracy: 2,577
- Range: 8
- Speed: Fastest (2.4s)
The main hand and off hand are both obtainable on the rare drop table of Nex: Angel of Death. Some players seek to fight this boss solely for the weapon while others sell it to make sweet profit since buying these together is above a max cash stack of 2.4 billion, currently 2.8 billion for the pair at this point in time at GE.
2. Bow of the Last Guardian

If you want the best setup for Ranged and have the means to get this, this is highly recommended.
Released at the same time as Zamorak, Lord of Chaos boss, this two handed short-bow requires 95 Ranged to hold. Just like the Seren godbow, this bow is known as a charge-bow but oddly enough does not provide its own ammunition. Even though this is the case, players still seek to obtain this bow as it has the highest damage out of all the two handed bows. Not only does it have a special attack, Balance by Force, but it also has a passive effect Perfect Equilibrium. After every 8 hits are completed with this passive effect, it triggers a single attack that can land a critical hit. This bow is degradable and will need to be fixed once in a broken state.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- This shortbow’s special attack Balance By Force works hand in hand with the passive effect by reducing the hits down to 4 before landing a critical hit. This critical hit can deal up to 175%-375% damage when used. Whoa!
- When paired with Elder God arrows, this bow can be damaging towards bosses that have high health
- Being the highest tiered short-bow in game, you wouldn’t want to miss grabbing this for your range setup as it can hit up to 2,765 with 100% accuracy
- Style: Arrows
- Damage: Auto-2,123.3; Ability: 1,368
- Accuracy: 2,765
- Range: 9
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
This bow is made from 3 pieces, there is a top and bottom of this bow and when combined with a divine bowstring to create Bow of the Last Guardian. This is a rare drop only from Zamorak, Lord of Chaos and requires 95 Fletching. If you’re not up for killing this God, one can buy it at the GE.
1. Fractured Staff of Armadyl (FSOA)

One of the most powerful two handed Magic staff and worn by players who enjoy Magic attacks.
Last but not least, the moment everyone has been waiting for is the Fractured Staff of Armadyl. This two handed staff requires 95 Magic to wield and is known by players as the best staff in game. Just as it is powerful, it is also worthy of fashionscape when dyed; those who hold this wear this proudly. This staff has a special attack known as Instability that not only can inflict 50%-200% damage, it will also autofire an attack when there is a critical hit until a critical hit is missed. Alas, even though it is the best it still degrades and will need to be repaired.
What makes this weapon noteworthy?
- When paired with attacks that are guaranteed critical hits such as Smoke Tendrils, this weapon can be very deadly to its opponent
- If players are feeling eager for critical hits, they can use Erethdor’s grimoir to increase critical damage
- Surprisingly, when weapon switching, the buff of the special attack stays and the auto-attack uses the damage from the main-hand, which can be a damage loss so keep this in mind when wanting to do weapon switches.
- Style: Spell-casting
- Damage: Ability-1,368
- Accuracy: 2,765
- Range: 8
- Speed: Average (3.6s)
Combining Aramdyl symbol, stabilisation gem, and the shaft together with 95 Crafting creates this staff. It is a drop only from Kerapac, the bound in hard mode. Just like all the other weapons, it can be bought from the GE.
[Top 15] Runescape Best Weapons (And How To Get Them)