[Top 10] LOL Most AP Builds That Wreck Hard!


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021
Here's a tad bit longer article about the most AP builds that wreck hard!

Read more about it on here: [Top 10] LOL Most AP Builds That Wreck Hard!

Sup chooms today we’ll be taking a look into some AP off-meta builds that wreck hard. These builds wreck on the summoner's rift and you’ll rack up some kills while rocking these builds. That’s my guarantee. Of course, you’ll also need to know how to play the certain champion rocking that builds but don’t worry about that.

Most of the champions that I’ll be listing are easy to play and get into. Nothing too hard. But the best part about these builds is that they don’t require a lot of gold. You can get most of these items in 20-25 minutes or even earlier if you snowball in the early game. Enough of this chit chat let’s get into the builds!

10. AP Volibear

“Storms are coming!”

AP Volibear Link (video by Daveyx3Gameplay):

For our first AP build that wrecks hard is AP Volibear. Now it might confuse you a bit because Volibear is a top-lane tank champion but he secretly scales with AP quite nicely. His E ability scales the best with AP along with his passive ability.

His passive release lighting strikes from his hands while auto-attacking. Both of those abilities scale with AP so naturally if you go an AP build with Volibear you’ll be an unstoppable pushing machine. You’ll be able to push waves in a matter of seconds and if anyone decides to mess with you, you can simply smite them with your E.

Dealing a ton of AP damage. If you cast E onto yourself you’ll give yourself a shield that slowly goes away. This is great in situations where you’re being chased or need a tad bit more survivability in the lane. You can also dive people under towers since your ultimate ability disables them for a few seconds.

What AP Volibear Excels In:

  • Split pushing.
  • Clearing out waves quickly.
  • Dealing a lot of damage thanks to your E ability.
  • Disabling enemy towers for a few seconds.
Full build details:

AP tank volibear - the anti meta destroyer (11.15)

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