The Top 10 LoL Best Interface Settings That Give You An Advantage


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

Ah, da yis. League options. Sometimes they’re the most important part of a game and they certainly do give you an advantage. The best part is you can set them to your liking and change them however you wish and like.

But you’re worried about what options you should change? No worries, I'll tell you all about it. Especially for new players a lot of options can be overwhelming and usually those players just leave them alone.

Well, if you’re new and just started playing the game I highly recommend that you don’t shy away from the options and change them to your preference and choice. Now enough about my rambling about this let’s get into what options give you an advantage over other players!

10. Champion Highlight On Camera Center

This is a simple option that highlights your champion once you center your camera. Its usefulness shines through in a team fight so you can’t lose sight of your champion when it gets hectic. To use this option you simply hold “Spacebar” or the key bind that you have set it to and your champion will start glowing bright yellow light, like heaven itself is looking down on you.

You’ll also get a small circle around your champion and that’s your hitbox. Anything that touches that circle means you’ll get hit by it. If sometimes it seemed bs to you that ability hit you while your character model dodged it, well it hit the little circle that you see. Even if the ability comes close to 1 pixel of your circle you’ll get hit no matter what.

How To Apply The Setting:
  • Press “Escape” once in-game or press the cog in the client menu.
  • Once you’re in the “Interface” menu find the “Notifications” tab.
  • Champion Highlight On Camera Center will be on the right side. Fourth line.
  • Make sure that it’s check marked and boom you’re done.

9. Ability Cooldown Display (Minutes + Seconds)

Up next we have one option that I love the most. It’s so practical and simple but yet so useful. Usually, this will only be set to “None” or sometimes “Seconds”. But once you add minutes and seconds together it makes your life a lot easier. You’ll know the exact them when your ability comes off cooldown, especially when those abilities have a long cooldown timer so you can use it once again and pound your opponent into oblivion.

Because let’s be real with ourselves. You won’t know the exact time when that ability goes off cooldown, will you? Like, you won’t calculate how much 283 seconds is in minutes. Nobody will unless you’re a psychopath or something. So why not make your life a lot easier by simply showing both minutes and seconds.

How To Apply The Setting:
  • Press “Escape” again while in-game or click the little cog in the client menu.
  • Click the “Interface” tab and scroll down until you see a tab called “Ability Cooldown Display”.
  • Click on the option that says “None” or “Seconds”. Once in there, “Minutes + Seconds” will be the third option.


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