The Nightmare Of Video Game Escapism

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Dec 11, 2018
Video game addiction is real, and many suffer from it. Probably more than would like to admit (myself included at one point). Escapism is the next level of video game addiction, and it's here in this video that I discuss it and offer some help to those struggling with it.

A little read:

A little read:

Well I totally agree it can get addictive, one of my friends has a 12 year old daughter who has all the latest consoles and she can sometimes get very angry emotionally if asked to come off...

I've seen her a few times and it's like she is in another world and cant understands REAL life. Scary really
I've had times when I was completely addicted to a video game, the last one I can remember was sly cooper 2 and for whatever reason I could not put it down.
Until this year, there have definitely been times when I was addicted to games. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes I've put off schoolwork or just skipped it for the day to play a game.

Since this year, my schoolwork actually matters, so now I've been trying to combat my addiction. It's hard, but I'm determined.
For those who are in UK and know the Black Mirror. You may have seen the episode of the video game escapism in it. That kind of reminds us the addiction of things.
Well I totally agree it can get addictive, one of my friends has a 12-year-old daughter who has all the latest consoles and she can sometimes get very angry emotionally if asked to come off...

I've seen her a few times and it's like she is in another world and cant understands REAL life. Scary really

Yaa addiction with the game does happen, I have faced it so many as I am a marketer for gambling games and have to answer a lot on gaming addictions.
I've suffered with game addiction in the past. I have my moments. Good to take a break from it all now and again!
I've suffered with game addiction in the past. I have my moments. Good to take a break from it all now and again!
We've all been there! My little boy struggles with it, I try to distract him with other things to do around the house!
I think most of us are all having the internet addiction. And considering it has become the part of the everyday life. I think video game escapism is harder to get out of completely.

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