Yeah. I noticed that they do this too.
They honestly don't know where to take their games and the RE Engine thing was just their last ditch effort to applease the most hardcore of fans. Because I mean, why develop a new engine, do a remake that ends up being nothing like anybody expected, as well as rip off a game that a company chose to cancel, and then do a BS spin off game, that has virtually zilch to do with the lore? This is why I've found myself kind of hating on Capcom these days. Unlike how I was 16 years ago, when I highly praised whatever they made. But I do think RE 4 moving the series to action is why the franchise slowly went downhill. It divided the fans into two columns, and there was no going back from that move.
Even the RE 2 remake was a generic game. At least in my opinion. All they really did was toughen up the zombies, but they lazily omitted so many enemies and other stuff. Like, come on. No crows, plants, cockroaches, giant moth, or spiders. The DLC felt like it had no real effort gone into it. Already, it's a crappy game from an outsider looking in. You get plant zombies, sure, but they ain't really the same as the Plant 43 variety from the original game's lab. Leon looks absolutely nothing like he did in the original, and he actually once felt like a video game badass. Unlike now!
Naughty Dog wouldn't dare mess up their series. It could always happen if people demand co-op and then I could see them pouring out a slew of mediocre games based on that concept. This fate seems to befall so many franchises.
Capcom have made their games go on for too long, but in a bad way. Capcom is only interested in the money side of things, no matter how many times they try to pull that wool over our eyes. And as you said, they experiment with stuff that they can attempt to scam people with. Like this "Project Resistance" nonsense, that looks like a pile of gimmicky garbage. Yet all the actual fans demand quality, only to be shunned by the very corporation they're paying money towards.