The Last of Us Part 2 Spoiler Videos Leak Online [Spoiler Warning]

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Dec 12, 2018
The Last of Us 2 PS4 PlayStation 4 Leaks 1

Update: Sony's ninjas were very quick taking the offending channel offline. However, it's possible mirrors may have already been created of this footage, meaning the risk of spoilers will remain high. This isn't the first time that The Last of Us: Part II footage has leaked, and it looks like it won't be the last. Worryingly, the ongoing coronavirus crisis means the title is currently without an official release date.

Original Story: Be very, very careful: enormous The Last of Us: Part II leaks have started to emerge online. Out of respect for Naughty Dog and the game, we’re not going to host or link to the videos here, but rest assured these are legitimate and reveal huge plot points from the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive. It’s safe to assume that Sony will be acting fast to have the clips removed, but it may already be too late to keep this leak under control.

Exactly how these videos have found their way online remains unclear, but the title was originally scheduled to release in May, so it’s possible a near-final build found its way into the wild. Among the footage is a huge chunk of unseen gameplay, various cut-scenes, the release's main menu, and what appears to be unfinished multiplayer code. The latter will be released separately at a later date.

Whatever you decide to do, we encourage you to be careful and show respect for fellow fans. Many of us have waited years for this game, so if you absolutely have to watch the clips, please don't spoil it for others.

The Last of Us 2 spoilers are reportedly from a disgruntled employee over a payment dispute with Naughty Dog. When things didn't go their way.....bam, MAJOR plot spoilers got leaked. Some really angry, tired and fed up people working at ND, I think we could see this coming sadly.

Spoiler videos:



(This thread will be updated with new information as time goes on)

You play the first half of the game as Ellie, and the second half as Abby (the character featured in the PGW 2017 trailer played by Laura Bailey)
Proof: The leaked level list divides the game's levels between Ellie's levels and Abby's levels if you take a look to the left.


2. The game has you fighting Ellie from the perspective of Abby
Proof: The level list above

3. Dina is pregnant with Jesse's baby. Her and Ellie are trying to start a family.
Proof: From the leaked cutscene between Dina and Ellie below. Can't post it here but just believe me I've seen it myself ? ?

4. Joel dies at the hands of Abby
Proof: There's a scene early on in the game (Jackson) where Joel gets his skull caved in by Abby with a golf club (below). Later on, a scene between Ellie and Dina takes place where Dina explictly mentions Joel and Jesse being dead.




Dina: So what? I'm just supposed to sit here and wait for you? For god knows how long, just thinking you're fucking dead the entire time!?
Ellie: I don't plan on dying.
Dina: Yeah? Well neither did Jesse, or Joel.


5. Abby vs Ellie (courtesy of DomahKari)

(Abby is about to slit Dina's throat)
Ellie: Stop...Stop...she had nothing to do with it.
Abby turns to Ellie.
Ellie: She is pregnant.
Abby: Good. (Wants to kill her)
Lev: Abby...
Abby: If you let me catch sight of you again... (Literal german translation: Never come under my eyes again)



Okay, to everyone saying that Abby kills Ellie... That doesn't happen.

I saw a brief 1 minute video of the fight between Abby and Ellie. It was posted around 2PM EST, but before I could download it, the video was removed. I remember how it goes, but I couldn't really understand it because the language was either German or Turkish.

Anyway, here we go:

Ellie and Abby are fighting in what looks like a warehouse (or the aforementioned farm maybe, don't remember exactly). Abby has the upper hand and punches Ellie repeatedly in the face, badly stunning her. She then puts her in a chokehold and is about to snap her neck before Dina runs in and tackles Abby off her.

She swings at Abby with a knife for a bit, cutting her arms pretty badly, and is about to to kill her before she's shot in the shoulder with an arrow by Lev (the bald girl from the Paris 2017 trailer). Abby then gets on top of Dina and forces her to the floor, repeatedly smashing her face into it until she's unconscious, but not dead. It's really brutal.

As she does this, Ellie weakly begs Abby to stop (the subtitles showed this word). Abby stops and holds Dina up to her face with the knife to her neck, getting ready to slit Dina's throat. Before she does however, Lev calls out to her, seemingly to try and convince her not to kill Dina. It works, and she tosses Dina aside before leaving with Lev. Ellie then weakly reaches out to the unconscious Dina before she passes out too. That's where the video ends. Hope someone posts it back up soon so the rest of you can see.


The Reddit "leak" shared 22 days ago as of 27/04/2020 (note: came from someone who read a comment on an older leak from a few weeks back. Unconfirmed for now)

Someone in the comments of the video said they saw a potentially true leak that says Joel AND Ellie both die. Joel is killed in the first few hours by Abby, the daughter of the surgeon you kill in Part One. This is apparently what happens in that scene in the trailer where Ellie's being held down. Ellie dies at the end of the story, but he wasn't told how. Jesse and Dina live. You play as Abby for half the game.

I absolutely believe this because it's the complete opposite of what I want and what every fan wants, and that's how literally every fictional property (except maybe Marvel?) has seemed to be going, lol.

It makes sense too, with what we know-- Ashley Johnson cried when she first heard the story, that PSX thing where both of them sang that ominous Johnny Cash song, Abby being the daughter of the murdered surgeon speaks to the whole, "cycle of violence", theme that Neil and Haley Gross keep repeating.

Troy Baker just said something like, "The Last of Us Part II will make fans question everything". According to this guy, Ellie is portrayed as the bad guy because of her body count, and so showing Joel and Ellie from the perspective of someone who had their life destroyed by them would certainly make us, "question everything".
2. The 4chan summary (note: I think this is just piggybacking off of what's been shown so far, especially considering Joel supposedly 'dies' at Jackson so why would he show up in Seattle? We also know that Jesse only dies near the end of Seattle. Not before. Oh well, here it is if you want to entertain yourself.)
  • One of the surgeons Joel killed had a daughter called Abby
  • The Firefly massacre destroyed her whole life, she's been looking for revenge ever since
  • Knew who Ellie was because of her dad talking about their shot at a cure, figured out Joel from Firefly records
  • Cult attacks Ellie's settlement and she, Jesse, and Dinah are part of the group sent to track down and attack it - Jesse is killed during this
  • Ellie is now violently angry and goes to Seattle looking for the cults home to wipe it out, meets Joel there because he heard about Jesse and came back to help her
  • Abby finds Ellie because she's been in conflict with the cult too, so when Ellie hunts them to Seattle and is set to attack them with Joel her group find them and attack
  • She kills Joel herself, takes Ellie back to camp debating what to do with her since for all her hate she doesn't blame her for the massacre
  • Ellie butchers her group to escape and Abby is now motivated to hunt her down
  • Second half of the game is spent as Abby chasing Ellie
  • Ellie continues hunting the cult while you chase her down
  • Ending is Ellie and Abby fighting to the death
  • You kill Ellie as Abby, and she leaves while realizing she's not really "won" in any meaningful way since all she's done is get more of her loved ones killed for the sake of her killing Joel and then Ellie
  • Ending is "cycle of revenge" with the loose implication Ellie's friends will hunt Abby now in return
Hey. I saw a brief 1 minute video of the fight between Abby and Ellie. It was posted around 2PM EST, but before I could download it, the video was removed. I remember how it goes, but I couldn't really understand it because the language was either German or Turkish.

Anyway, here we go:

Ellie and Abby are fighting in what looks like a warehouse. Abby has the upper hand and punches Ellie repeatedly in the face, badly stunning her. She then puts her in a chokehold and is about to snap her neck before Dina runs in and tackles Abby off her.

She swings at Abby with a knife for a bit, cutting her arms pretty badly, and is about to to kill her before she's shot in the shoulder with an arrow by Lev (the bald girl from the Paris 2017 trailer). Abby then gets on top of Dina and forces her to the floor, repeatedly smashing her face into it until she's unconscious, but not dead. It's really brutal.

As she does this, Ellie weakly begs Abby to stop (the subtitles showed this word). Abby stops and holds Dina up to her face with the knife to her neck, getting ready to slit Dina's throat. Before she does however, Lev calls out to her, seemingly to try and convince her not to kill Dina. It works, and she tosses Dina aside before leaving with Lev. Ellie then weakly reaches out to the unconscious Dina before she passes out too. That's where the video ends. Hope someone posts it back up soon so the rest of you can see.
Hi can you send me these videos to my email just send me a dm then I will send you my email to send the gameplay to
Both Joel and Ellie die and you play the second half as Abby in TLOU2

  • One of the surgeons Joel killed had a daughter called Abby
  • The Firefly massacre destroyed her whole life, she's been looking for revenge ever since - knew who Ellie was because of of her dad talking about their shot at a cure, figured out Joel from Firefly records
  • Cult attacks Ellie's settlement and she, Jesse, and Dinah are part of the group sent to track down and attack it - Jesse is killed during this
  • Ellie is now violently angry and goes to Seattle looking for the cults home to wipe it out, meets Joel there because he heard about Jesse and came back to help her
  • Abby finds Ellie because she's been in conflict with the cult too, so when Ellie hunts them to Seattle and is set to attack them with Joel her group find them and attack
  • She kills Joel herself, takes Ellie back to camp debating what to do with her since for all her hate she doesn't blame her for the massacre
  • Ellie butchers her group to escape and Abby is now motivated to hunt her down
  • Second half of the game is spent as Abby chasing Ellie
  • Ellie continues hunting the cult while you chase her down
  • Ending is Ellie and Abby fighting to the death
  • You kill Ellie as Abby, and she leaves while realizing she's not really "won" in any meaningful way since all she's done is get more of her loved ones killed for the sake of her killing Joel and then Ellie
  • Ending is "muh cycle of revenge" with the loose implication Ellie's friends will hunt Abby now in return
Omg!!! This is so lit!:love::love::love: I love unexpected changes. Daamn i can't wait to play it, for sure this will worth the 6 years, 11 months, 7 hours, 36 minutes and 11 seconds waiting :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
"O... Mike kill!" No, folks. There's no "Oh, Michael!" about it. The truth is out there. :D

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you?! We got some work to do now. :)

His streams are hilarious, and he's brutally critical, because just like me, he cares. ;)

Two additional clips on here. One tommy talking to Ellie and one is a young ellie which is kind of wild haven't seen this kind of stuff anywhere. They're at the bottom.

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