The Division 2 Warlords of New York video showcases villains


The Division 2 Warlords of New York animated short film showcases new villains ahead of the expansion’s debut in March.

Set ahead of Warlords of New York’s release, this animated short movie depicts how former Division agent Aaron Keener, who has now turned rogue, manipulates his 4 lieutenants intoto take control of Lower Manhattan, putting his plans into motion.

In this short movie, players will discover more about the main targets they’ll have to hunt down in their manhunt for Aaron Keener. From chemical engineer Vivian Conley to hacker Theo Parnell, without forgetting Javier Kajika, an ex Black-Ops on a path for revenge, and James Dragov, master of heavy weapons leading the iconic Rikers faction, all will prove to be merciless opponents to the agents of The Division venturing in Lower Manhattan.
The Division 2 will also offer a free-to-play weekend between February 27 and March 2. There will be no level cap or time limit and progression can be carried into the main game should you choose to purchase it.

The Division 2 is available on PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC; a Stadia release is planned for late March. Warlords of New York will debut on March 3.


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