Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin PS5 demo corrupting for some


Update: The demo has now been fixed.

Original story: Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin demo on PS5 is corrupting upon installation for some players.

Users are taking to Twitter to complain about the same error message when trying to boot up the demo.

Can’t continue using this game or app. The data is corrupted.

A tooltip suggests the user to delete and reinstall the content. However, some users have tweeted about the matter, confirming no luck after attempting to reinstall.

Square Enix has been made aware of the demo’s corruption issues and will be updating players via the game’s official Twitter account.

Square Enix said:
We’re aware of issues being experienced while trying to download and play [Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin] Trial Version. We’re working to resolve this issue and will tweet an update as soon as we can, we appreciate your patience.

The title offers a demo that's exclusive to PS5 and available until later this month.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin heads to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC.

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