Spider-Man Miles Morales footage shows off Rhino boss fight


Spider-Man Miles Morales‘ Rhino boss fight footage is now available to watch, below.

The pre-fight cutscene (includes a masked Peter Parker) and a portion of the fight itself can be seen below. Game Informer has kindly captured the content in 4K for you to watch, if you've got the bandwidth for it.

The video also gives us a look at Miles’ Venom Punch… which packs a pretty big punch.

Spider-Man Miles Morales heads to PS4 and PS5 on 12 November. Its Ultimate Edition comes bundled with Spider-Man Remastered on PS5 too.


Spider-Man Miles Morales​

12 Nov 2020 (PS4, PS5)​

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Pre-ordered the ultimate edition since I haven't played Spiderman yet. Can't wait to finish it and move on to Miles Morales!
Looks amazing, capture video content there. I will be interested to play this if it comes to PC and whatnot.

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