PlayStation VR2 - Gaming using our Senses

Three games that would garner so much support from the PSVR community and speed into the Top 50 if done well...if adequate PSVR2 support were added:
I hope these are on some list of yours #Flat2VR Studios:

Game #1
Dark Light: Survivor

There aren't any Tactics for PSVR2 yet and being switchable into third person means it could also be switched to first person in 3D putting the VR player in the middle of the tense battles with some these Souls like giant enemies.
Last edited: will be more than three, but it could be an endless list

Game #2

The vivid color, deep blacks, artisanal music and diegetic sound paired with the PSVR2 Eye tracked DFR, PSSR and 3D audio would be a match made in heaven and the game would come very close to the splendor of RE Village.
Game #3
The Blood of Dawnwalker

This is such a Playstation kind of game, or at least it would have been if The Order 1886 gotten the sequel it deserved. I really wanted Vampire the Masquerade 2 to come to PSVR2, but given the erratic state of that production it will be miracle if the basic flat game is ever released at least we got -

Vampire: The Masquerade -JUSTICE

I would love for Sony to acquire this developer, Rebel Wolves, if gameplay previews of Dawnwalker are half as good as the trailer makes it out to be. Sony would be able to expand this studio to a 2 games per cycle company and bring the founders of Ready at Dawn in to port The Older 1886 to PSVR2 as they were already experimenting extensively with VR implementation with the first game and took those learnings to Meta for Lone Echo and the Echo Arena. Dawnwalker appears to be mechanically between Assasin’s Creed/Witcher/Soulslike so switched into first person for a fully immersed epic VR event would be pretty amazing.

Game #4

For a lot of the same reasons as the Survivor Tactics game would be great on PSVR2 the strengths of the PSVR2 would also elevate Darklight.

Locked camera side scrollers actually work out well in VR as was seen with Bloody Zombies on PSVR.
Game #5
Mortal Shell

Walking up to these creatures face to face is enough of an inducement for me to want Mortal Shell patched for PSVR2, but the slightly reduced difficulty relative to fromsoftgames would make for a better experience in VR even though as many other PSVR players have attested to when in first person with a full 360 view at your disposal at any time games tend to be a bit easier than their flat counterparts. It could be because there isn’t a perspective mismatch, but that’s a guess. Switched to first person for PSVR2 Mortal Shell, if performant, would be stellar and probably more impactful than the flat release.
Game #6
We Kill Monsters

While not even released yet Glass Revolver is crafting something unique with it’s Soulslike project. The treacherous hills, mountains, haunting musty hallways, and misty valleys that all dwarf you are begging to seen as if you are there on PSVR2 with a switchable third and first person camera.

Definitely Last Guardian PSVR demo vibes
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Game #7
Ballad of Antara

Waltz of the Wizard, The Wizards and The Mage’s Tale all had interesting elements, but it’s time for a more robust Magic based game and Antara would be a good first one. Although now that MS has let the blockade down for previously multiplatform developers under there purview I would love to see an update port of the Mage’s Tale on PSVR2 as well.
Honorable Mention:
I assume Wipeout Omega Collection is somewhere down the line of Paystation’s priorities, but it’s should have been a launch day title beside from GT7.
Arken Age turned out pretty good although There's definitely some things I'm not thrilled with as far as art Direction, but here's a few reviews:

Mech Brawlers may yet have their moment on PSVR2. Bigshots released some time ago is pretty fun and now coming over from the Quest is Underdogs a grittier mech brawler.


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