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Nintendo leaked: Source code, design files for Wii, Switch, much more released
Contents of the leak:
-Source code for boot0/1/2
-Block diagram/datasheets for every system component & Verilog for AES/SHA
-Documents from BroadOn describing feature planning and implementation + APIs + docs for internal software
-Source code for IOS (IOS is the Wii Operating System)
-Planning docs for implementation of the system from 2004-2006
-some wii sdk library source code (DVD, EXI)
-source code and info on manufacturing and publishing systems
-some misc. nintendo stuff (internal WPAD SDK from 2005, Wii Overview from RVL_SDK 1.0)
-"sdboot", a special manufacturing version of boot2 which loads data from the SD card; is very buggy and likely exploitable for boot2 code execution on all Wiis (it is retail signed)
-gamecube and ique stuff as well (internal gamecube docs including physical disc layout, massive 2GB+ iQue dump including full CVS for that as well)
Here's everything that has leaked during the past few weeks:
Debug Builds of Blue and Yellow
Source code for Blue and Yellow
Japanese Debug Builds of G/S
Symbol Map for Crystal.
G/S Source code
Spaceworld '99 demos
Official GameBoy emulator
Internal lists that list everything released (including unreleased ones) for all Nintendo systems up to the DS
Pokémon Gen 7 debug builds, official 3DS legality checkers, a O-Power distribution CIA and a VC Mew distrubtion CIA
Source code for the N64, Gamecube and Wii
Here's a sample video from one of the leaked N64 files, a demo ROM used by Nintendo to test the console:
This is the NTR master file, lists every single produced game for the Nintendo DS, even unreleased ones:
It also includes source code for things like Samsung memory chips.

Summary of the hackers:
>wack0 hacks nintendo servers
>wack0 dumps the spaceworld ROM in pret
>Team Spaceworld gets founded to look into it and create documentation and a translation for it
>wack0 talks with them about all sorts of stuff he has, sends it to several people for archival, leaves screenshots and little material
>people flex, damage control happens and someone leaks the spaceworld ROM
>translation is never finished, group becomes quiet
>ganix anonymously shares gen1 assets with helix chamber, helps create pokethon ROM
>wack0 gets arrested for nintendo crimes and electronics seized
>the pokethon event happens, gen1 assets are shared
>ganix uploads gen4 beta sprites
>a friend of his leaks the urls and doxxes him on 4chan
>ganix comes out for doing that and the other things on GCL, claims he's deleted everything he has
>someone dumps everything TSW still had on 4chan
>ganix gets mad, drama ensue muh bad data bad data
>ganix flexes his pearl prototype he's been hoarding as well
>damage control ensues
Source: /v/ - Nintendo Wii Source Code just leaked - Video Games - 4chan
/vp/ - /ppg/ - Pokemon Prototype General - Part 50 - Pokémon - 4chan
/ppg/ - Pokemon Prototype General - Part 50 - "/vp/ - Pokémon" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to discussing the Pokémon series of video games and shows.
/vr/ - N64 leaks - Retro Games - 4chan
N64 leaks - "/vr/ - Retro Games" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing retro console video games and classic arcade games.