Moving Out day one patch will fix a number of issues with the game, including Xbox Gamerscore for co-op players, bonus objectives on first playthrough and more.
Without further ado, here are the issues that will be addressed when the game hits retail stores on April 28:
- Xbox: all logged in users will get achievements when playing
- Bonus objectives awarded if performed on a level the first time
- Added Dual Mover Mode (Two movers, one controller: which is advanced single player)
- Added additional character customisations (LOTS)
- Added dance moves and ability to customise which dance your character does.
- Updated art on many levels, new particle effects, more visible delivery area.
- Added milliseconds to the game timers (for speed runners)
- Additional bug fixes and game tuning
- PS4: Added 4K support
Moving Out heads to PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Windows PC on April 28.