LOL: 10 Best Bottom Laners That Wreck Hard!


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

So you’re a poor soul who got lost and decided that the only way to redeem yourself is by playing the ADC role. May I suggest my therapist because we all need help? So far this has to be the least enjoyable role to play in League of Legends.

The main reason is that anything and everything can one-shot us. I am not kidding about that. Try playing this role without getting assassinated by the mid-laner. It’s outright impossible. And do you know what Riot does? Absolutely nothing they are fine with this. Too bad that I only find this role enjoyable for myself and everything else seems boring to me.

10. Ashe

“The queen of Freljord.” (video by ChallengerLeague)

For our first champion today we have Ashe. If you just started playing the ADC role then she is a perfect pick for you. She’s easy to play and learn plus most of her abilities have some kind of CC including her auto-attacks.

Ashe also has a global ultimate ability that you can use to hit people from a different planet and help your team out. You can also help your dear team by using your E ability to scout ahead. This ability is pretty useful when your jungler is trying to do dragon but he is too incompetent to buy and place wards. Your E is a good alternative.

The way you can build Ashe is by buying as much AD and attack speed as possible. The more attack speed you have the more dangerous you are. During the laning phase, Ashe can poke the enemy ADC and support with her W. It’s a great ability to bully people.

Why Ashe Is a Great at Bottom Lane:
  • Easiest champion to play on this list.
  • Can bully her opponents from a safe distance with her W.
  • Can support her jungler with E.
  • Can support the whole team with her ultimate ability.


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