Indie Megabooth suspends operations, hosts Going Away sale


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2018
I wanted to share with you all some news about Indie MEGABOOTH. Due to the circumstances around COVID-19 and the cancellation of many in-person events and the high level of uncertainty, we’re planning to sunset IMB for the duration of the pandemic.

After nine years of working on and building the IMB, it was a difficult and disappointing decision to make. Realistically though, we’re a very small team and this situation is bigger than us. Our primary focus right now is to stay healthy and safe through the COVID-19 situation as it’s unfolding.

The IMB team will stay on for this month to give a bit of a softer landing and to help support the Steam Sale we’ve been organizing for early May – which we’re now affectionately calling the “Going Away (for now) Sale” ?

For now though, let’s talk about our aptly named, Indie MEGABOOTH Going Away (for now) Sale! The Steam sale will feature over 100 games — that’s right over 100! – of both old and new favorite IMB titles. The sale will take place from May 5th through 12th. That’s an entire week of deals on prime social distancing entertainment.

The developers participating will do a ‘pay what you want’ revenue share with us at the end and we’ve set up a PayPal link for folks who just want to contribute to IMB directly. The best way to support the IMB right now is to help us spread the word on social media and tell your friends to pick up their favorite title from the sale.


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