Halo Infinite not coming 9 November, says Microsoft


Halo Infinite is not coming on 9 November, according to confirmation from Microsoft.

Yesterday, Xbox Brazil made a post on Twitter, which has since been deleted, stating that the upcoming title will head to PC and Xbox consoles from 9 November.

O lendário combate multiplayer de Halo retorna reinventado e evoluindo ao longo do tempo com atualizações sazonais, novos modos e mapas e conteúdo focado na comunidade. Halo Infinite chega em 9 de novembro aos consoles #XboxSeriesS, #XbosSeriesX, Xbox One e PC.
The tweet translates:
Halo‘s legendary multiplayer combat returns reinvented and evolving over time with seasonal updates, new modes and maps, and community-focused content. Halo Infinite arrives on November 9 to consoles #XboxSeriesS, Xbox One and #XbosSeriesX PC.

It’s already been pointed out that the release date mentioned is the same as Forza Horizon 5, meaning it's likely a mix-up on Xbox Brazil’s part.

Microsoft later confirmed the tweet was a mistaken one.

A Microsoft representative said:
Today we confirmed a Holiday 2021 release. We will share our launch date later this year.

Microsoft and 343 Industries has shown off a Halo Infinite gameplay footage, check it out here.

Halo Infinite heads to Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC later this year.

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