Game of Thrones Season 8 - Who's excited?

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That's one of the theories I read on Reddit as well. Would have made it so much more interesting and it would have be nice to see Cersei sacrificing all the people and only caring about herself when trying to deal with the issue

I know, she is too smug and needs that grin of hers wiped off her face.
Wouldn't it be a twist to have her actually win in the end? Now that would be a surprise ending. Unfortunately, at this point, I feel like the ending is going to be extremely predictable after tomorrow's episode.
The ending is clear and this series is going to end as a hot mess :P

Seriously though, not even 2 hours left and a lot to cover. What a shame.
Saw some spoilers for the latest episode and I'm not sure what to think really. If what I saw was true, I don't think I'm ready to watch it yet :(
Saw some spoilers for the latest episode and I'm not sure what to think really. If what I saw was true, I don't think I'm ready to watch it yet :(

Lets just say there is a lot of your username in this recent episode.
Lets just say there is a lot of your username in this recent episode.

Hmm. Not sure about that episode. I understand why they did certain things but it needed to be longer. You're telling me she just changes her mind in a few seconds and wants to destroy the whole city? Not happy with the way Jaime's storyline ended either.

Hmm. Not sure about that episode. I understand why they did certain things but it needed to be longer. You're telling me she just changes her mind in a few seconds and wants to destroy the whole city? Not happy with the way Jaime's storyline ended either.
They've been hinting that Dany would do this since season 1. She has repeatedly stated she will take her birthright through fire and blood. Let's not forget that when she tried to govern in Meereen they began to revolt because love for Dany doesn't last long, it slowly fades into fear because she lights everyone on fire, and throughout the seasons she slowly goes from wincing at death, to embracing the look of it as she burns her victims. She had an advantage in Meereen, the citizens initially adored her because she liberated them, but she refused to allow their customs like pit fighting to continue unless she was talked into it. She doesn't have anyone to check her, Tyrion is already done in her eyes, he's "proven" to her that he takes the word of his family over his loyalty to her. Jon doesn't love her, and the person who could keep her in check, who did actually love her, died defending her in a battle she barely had much play in. Then as the bells ring, Cersei cedes defeat, but that Targaryen madness and rage builds inside her, Cersei just beheaded one of her closest advisors and friend. It makes absolute perfect sense that she acted that way.

And for me, Jaime died exactly how he wanted too, in the arms of his one true love.

Hmm. Not sure about that episode. I understand why they did certain things but it needed to be longer. You're telling me she just changes her mind in a few seconds and wants to destroy the whole city? Not happy with the way Jaime's storyline ended either.

The only thing, and I mean only thing is Jaime's storyline that they messed up on, Dany's was seasons in the making and her madness was cemented last episode when she lost both a dragon and her closest friend. Then having Jon no longer as a lover was the last straw plus having them give up after a easy assault was a mockery.
To think, all of this could have been avoided if Jon just did what most men want to do ?
Guys, this is GOT, not real life. It's completely different in this scenario especially when you consider the family he is from.
I'll let robert explain:

In short, make out with the ladies.

We are supporters of the LGBT community and I hope this is not a homophobic comment. Homophobic comments are NOT tolerated on JoyFreak!
We are supporters of the LGBT community and I hope this is not a homophobic comment. Homophobic comments are NOT tolerated on JoyFreak!

Perhaps best to lock this topic then? Because you do realize that GoT hits on every sexual subject you can think of in a good and negative aspect.
Perhaps best to lock this topic then? Because you do realize that GoT hits on every sexual subject you can think of in a good and negative aspect.
As long as we are not homophobic on JoyFreak, then all is good.
Well the series has ended, on a rather low safe note. I think the writers are going to be under attack for weeks for this weak ending to such a strong series.
I'm 100% sure that Reddit and Twitter hates me. Went on Twitter to mute certain GOT words and the first tweet that comes up is a Bran spoiler. I know what happens in the end because I saw the leaks but still....
Well the series has ended, on a rather low safe note. I think the writers are going to be under attack for weeks for this weak ending to such a strong series.
I'm fully convinced this is GRRM's ending, and it pretty much wrapped up everything neatly. There's not anymore questions I really have after that finale.

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