Cannibal Holocaust heads to PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, iOS, Android in November 2020


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Dec 11, 2018
In celebration of 40 years of Ruggero Deodato‘s found footage classic Cannibal Holocaust, we’ve learned today that a video game is on the way from Deodato and Fantastico Studio!

Billed as “the fourth, highly awaited chapter of Deodato’s cannibals cycle,” Cannibal will be available from November 2020 for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC and mobile.
“Cannibal is an interactive horror graphic adventure made with Unity, with the direction and script of Ruggero Deodato, and the original drawings of Solo Macello, in which the player will take control of different characters, to reveal, little by little, the background that led them to a desperate expedition to the virgin jungles of Borneo. And of course, get to discover the end of the story, destined to shake from the foundations every certainty acquired during the game.”

Ruggero Deodato’s “Cannibal Trilogy” kicked off with Jungle Holocaust in 1977, which was followed by the infamous Cannibal Holocaust in 1980 and then Cut and Run in 1985.


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