Borderlands 3 gets cross-play, but not on PlayStation


Borderlands 3 cross-play is on its way, but won’t be included on PlayStation consoles.

Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford, took to Twitter to confirm this with “good news” and “bad news”.

Good news or bad news first. Good News: An update for Borderlands 3 has been prepared for release that includes full crossplay support across all platforms. Bad News: For certification, we have been required by the publisher to remove crossplay support for PlayStation consoles.
~Randy Pitchford.

It’s unclear why cross-play was removed from PS4 and PS5. However, in the past, Sony has blocked cross-play in titles like Minecraft under the guise that the titles played better on PlayStation. Recently, Epic Games has said Sony requires some publishers to pay to implement cross-play in their titles.

This could mean that Sony has requested cross-play to be turned off on Borderlands 3, or that publisher 2K Games has declined paying Sony for the privilege.

Borderlands 3 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Stadia and Windows PC.
Very weird from Sony. Wish they would just drop any charges for something like this
It is a strange business model. Open up the online landscape to let gamers be gamers, or be ruthless and ask for money devs won't pay to allow for a barrier that doesn't need to exist?

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