News Best Tips for Organizing Your Documents at Work

Alex Wright

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
May 7, 2021

Some jobs require people to deal with many stacks of documents and other papers. Unfortunately, it is not always so easy to keep everything organized and sorted. When handling all sorts of documents, both digital and physical, it is essential to keep everything in place, significantly improving your efficiency. With the help of some tools like Faxburner, you can help yourself declutter your office and desk.

In this article, you can find some helpful tips on organizing your documents at work, including using chronological order, labeling filing systems, digitizing files, and many more. So read on and make sure you never get lost in your own files!

Use Chronological Order

Chronological order is the most natural way to organize any documents. The most accurate way to keep your documents in chronological order is to move them from one place to another, in the same order as they were received. For example, if you received a document in the morning, it must be moved to the afternoon pile. They can be sorted into categories, like "to do" or "to file," but all the documents in each category will be organized by date. This method shows the whole process of working with documents in a very clear and easy-to-understand way. It is especially useful when you need to find all the documents related to a specific project.

Label Filing Systems

Labels can help you stay organized and easily access your documents. They help you prevent misfiling, which is quite common for every office worker. You can apply stickers or labels on folders, binders, and other storage devices. These days you can find many kinds of labels online, so it is very easy to create a customized system for your office files. Label everything in a clear and readable manner so anyone can understand what each folder contains.

When organizing your office, it is essential to label your filing systems. You should place labels on the front side of each folder to make it easier to find the documents you need. Take advantage of color coding too, to add some style to your filing system. Plus, this will help you keep an eye on which documents are relevant and which are not.

If you are looking for a particular document, you may not remember where exactly it is located. So if you have several filing systems, you need to clearly label them so you won't lose track of your files. A good idea is to use color-coded labels. You should also consider color coding your folders and binders to make it easier to find them.

Digitize Files

Most people still print documents, and then scan them into their computers or convert them to PDF-files when they need to store those documents. However, digitizing files can save you a lot of time and money. Digitizing files will eliminate the need to print or copy hard copies later, when you need to share them. Plus, scanning documents also helps you get rid of paper clutter by moving all your hard copies into electronic format.

If you are still storing files on paper, it is high time to consider digitalizing them. By digitizing your files, you can save yourself the hassle of going through hundreds of papers and files in order to find what you need. Moreover, digitizing your files will allow you to edit and update them easily if something changes. So, try to scan all important documents and put your paper files in a place where they can be easily accessed when needed.

Keep Documents in One or Two Locations

You definitely do not want to spend hours looking for important documents. That is why it is essential to keep all important documents in one or two locations only. You can use binders with plastic sleeves or folders with pockets for each document. Put everything else in a drawer or file cabinet so that it will be much easier to find what you need when needed.

Follow a System

When organizing all sorts of documents at work, it is essential to follow a system that will help you stay productive without getting lost in a sea of papers and folders. For example, you can use six different locations to store all your files: top left corner (TLC), top right corner (TRC), bottom left corner (BLC), bottom right corner (BRC), center (C), and first (1). Using such a system helps avoid confusion and clutter caused by misfiling and losing track of files that are not properly labeled. You wouldn't want to end up searching for one file for an hour while there is another one right under your nose! Or worse yet – to lose important documents because you didn't file them away in time. So follow a system and make sure your office stays organized and clutter free!

Set Limits for Yourself

A serious problem with paper clutter is that people tend to keep too much of it around. It's human nature; we like having things around us, even though we don't really need them all the time. The only way to avoid this is to set limits for yourself. If there are too many files on your desk, in your briefcase, or other places where you keep your documents, take some time to go through them and get rid of all unnecessary stuff. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter will bring more order into your life and help you focus on important things instead of wasting time searching for misplaced papers or worrying about forgotten tasks that are buried somewhere in a pile of papers.


Managing documents can be a significant challenge for any office worker. But it is not impossible to stay organized and effectively deal with all sorts of papers, whether they are digital or physical. It is much easier to keep everything in order when you use certain tools like Faxburner. This product helps you organize your documents online and get rid of paper clutter. So don't forget to check it out!

Try to create a filing system that suits your needs and makes it easier for you to work. Some people like file cabinets, while others prefer binders. However, the most important thing is to keep your work area organized so that it makes sense and you can easily find what you need. Make sure you organize your documents in a way that will help you work efficiently. Do not let the documents clutter your desk!

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