Bernie Sanders pushes for video gaming industry unionization

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I don't know enough about it obviously but it sounds like it would be good for people that work in the video games industry.
I agree with Bernie on the need for a union for game workers. This is going to give them the opportunity to make collective bargaining on pay rate and conditions of working. Hopefully, more will respond to that.
I can't help but feel he is just jumping on the bandwagon which is a current topic. Unless he's been promoting it for years?
Actually, this is a pretty good shout.

I know people that work for large studioes are often treaten really badly; from really long hours to being laid off all the time for little or no reason.

Almost certainly there needed to be changes in the indstry and this can only be a good thing, don't get me wrong there's lots of benefits and perks working for a studio but I think people don't often know that there's a darker side as well and it's not all it's made out to be,
Looks like socialism is affecting every industry. After doing this to IT industry profits are already damaged. Now it is going in the gaming industry. God save the world from socialism. They are making america a new Venezuela.

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