In view of the coronavirus crisis we are all experiencing, I would like to offer a FREE Two-Month Subscription to the blog to ANYONE who wants it, from April 3, 2020 to June 3, 2020. The membership will be valid for two months. Those eligible: anyone who is not currently a paid or otherwise active member of the blog. There are no other requirements, other than wanting to see what the blog is all about. Please tell anyone you know that they can join free of charge too. If instead, you would like to join the blog and pay for the subscription for yourself or someone else, we would very much appreciate that as well – every penny you pay goes directly to charities dealing with the very needy. The ultimate goal of the blog is to help the poor, the homeless, and the hungry, and so all you pay goes to exceedingly good causes. But if you would like the FREE Two-Month Subscription — it is on offer, no strings attached.