An old game you want to play again

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I'd love to replay some old MMORPG. The reason they're dying nowadays is because people are too lazy to socialize, but that's the whole points of an MMORPG. Miss the old days. :/
There's a lot of old game i wanted to play again ... but mostly i played the Red Alert 2 and Diablo II
FF7 and Resident Evil Director's Cut. I used to play them in my PS1. Just to play these games again, I had to use an emulator on my PC. I Even played it on mu smartphone and I still love those games. The games in PS1 are the classic games that I can never get enough of playing. I still play them from time to time. Luckily, a remake of Resident Evil 2 was released and I can't waitnto buy a copy of that game for myself.
I would also love to play an old MMORPG. I used to play Adventure Quest World when I was in highschool and I missed the feeling and the vibe of the game. This thread just reminded me of it, thank you.
There are several games I would still wish to play. These include Tendrils, brick game, and Pokemon. There is a possibility that I love these games because back then, android was unheard of and I could only play on an old model PC or phone. Maneuvering required a lot of patience. That might explain the nostalgia.
I would love to go back to my old PC strategy games, but sadly, nowdays, there's rarely time for it. I'm only 22 but always seem on the run to do something. No parents to help economically. :(
I become nostalgic when I remember of Mario game and I would like to play it again, unfortunatly it seems that my time is limited but I hope in one day I will have at least a half an hour for this game.
Defense of the Ancient. It was the game that I played with my childhood friends. My childhood was complete because of this game. I am playing it in a public computer cafe and that's why I enjoyed playing it.
I play age of mythology often. And it is one of my favorite games out there. I can tell you that those who are into the strategy type of game can tell you how fun that can be some of the time. It just gets fun on some of such types of the games. Rise of Kings was a good game to play again as well.
Used to play Mortal Combat with my brother when it was first released. Will still love to play this game
If they make 3D remake of the contra and the bomberman that would be surely interesting. And even more interesting thing is that they may have to experiment a lot on this. Lot of games which are 2D are less liklely to reboot because often those concepts can't be done with the 3D as well. It all depends on how you make new changes in the game.

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