overwatch 2

  1. Alex Wright

    News Best Overwatch 2 Characters: Top Tier List for 2024

    Ready to take over the Overwatch 2 battlefield in 2024? Learn how to master the game's strongest heroes with this detailed tier list. From Tracer's speed to Ashe's power, find out which heroes will boost your game and lead to wins. This guide is for both old and new Overwatch fans. It shows you...
  2. Alex Wright

    News Overwatch 2 gets Baptiste and Sombra makeovers

    Overwatch 2 will get character makeovers for all of the franchise's current heroes, with Baptiste and Sombra being the first two characters to get re-designs. Aaron Keller at Activision Blizzard took to the Summer Game Fest to show off the new makeovers. Baptiste will take advantage of new...
  3. Alex Wright

    News Overwatch 2 PvP matches are 5v5 rather than 6v6

    Overwatch 2 PvP matches will be 5v5 rather than the traditional 6v6 found within the original Overwatch, Blizzard has confirmed. ~Blizzard. You can watch the livestream below which also looks at the new Push game mode and maps including Toronto, Rio, New York, Monte Carlo and Rome. We’ll keep...
  4. Alex Wright

    News Overwatch 2 PvP stream scheduled for 20 May

    Overwatch 2 PvP will take place on 21 May and will showcase "new maps and major gameplay updates", Activision Blizzard has revealed. Game Director, Aaron Keller, said that Overwatch developers will join Overwatch League players for a two-hour PvP livestream that will take place from on 20 May...